Because good research needs good data

Programme - Virtual

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Programme - Virtual

Over 125 contributions from all over the world make up our programme for IDCC25, that all meet the theme Twenty years back, twenty years forward: lessons and directions in digital curation

All programme contributions will be delivered in-person in The Hague Madurodam and streamed virtually. 

If you are attending the conference in-person please visit the Programme – In-person webpage. 

IDCC25 Virtual Programme 

Tuesday 18 February 2025: Main Conference Day 1

Wednesday 19 February 2025: Main Conference Day 2

Tuesday, 18 February 2025: Main Conference Day 1 - Main Conference Virtual Programme PDF Download

Tuesday, 18 February 2025: Main conference, Day 1    


8:45 - 9:00 

Introduction to the platform 


09:00 – 09:30    

Welcome by Kevin Ashley, DCC Director 


09:30 – 10:15    

Keynote by Marta Teperek, Programme Leader, Open Science NL


10:15 - 10:45 

Poster Session 1 


10:45 - 11:10 

IDCC a history for newcomers by Laurence Horton, PC chair 


11:10 - 11:40 

Poster Session 2 


11:40 - 11:45 


11:45 - 13:00 

Lightning Talk Session 1 



A: Education and training I 

B: Systems and services in development I 

C: Sustainability 


Room #1 

Room #2 

Room #3 

A1 - Data Management And Archives – Where Do We Go From Here? 

B1 - Implementing Reuse Practices for Research Data in the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) of the Netherlands 

C1 - FAIR Principles Implementation in ML/AI - Findings from Skills4EOSC Delphi Study 

Alexandra Stam 

Andrés Felipe Ramos Padilla 

Elda Osmenaj and Curtis J M Sharma 

A2 - Introducing Doctoral Students to Data Management Plans. Insights from a Transversal Skills in RDM course 

B2 - Thoth Open Archiving Network (TOAN) Update: Lessons Learned & New Directions 

C2 - Barriers to Data Sharing in Infrastructure Systems Engineering 

João Aguiar Castro  

Miranda Barnes 

Brian Matthews 

A3 - Fostering the Next Generation of Open Scientists: Insights from a Project on Encouraging Data Reuse in Students' Theses 

B3 - Navigating the Future of Digital Curation: The Transformative Role of Persistent Identifiers 

C3 - Promoting Fair Principles And Research Integrity Through Manual Curation Of Manuscripts at the Point of Submission 

Anna Daudrich 

Steffi Genderjahn 

Mary Ann Tuli 

A4 - European Perspectives on Training Data Stewards 

B4 - Base4NFDI: Fostering A Cross-Disciplinary Service Landscape For The German National Research Data Infrastructure  

C4 - Frameworks for Evaluating Digital Sustainability in Distributed Research Data Ecosystems 

Nida van Leersum and Saba 

Sandra Zänkert 

Heather Lynn Barnes 

A5 - Fundamentals of Scientific Metadata – A Hands-on Training Course on FAIR Data Handling for Researchers and Data Stewards 

B5 - What Does Your Data Curation Look Like? Better Collaboration Between Research Tool Providers and Curators 

C5 - A Digital-First Approach for the Kerby A. Miller Collection of Irish emigrant letters and memoirs 

Silke Christine Gerlich 

Vaida Plankytė 

Marie-Louise Nathalie Brigitte Rouget 

13:00 – 14:00 

Lunch break 

14:00 – 15:30    

Paper Session 1 


D: National perspectives 

E: Education and training 

F: Curation infrastructure 

Room #1 

Room #2 

Room #3 

14:00 - 14:30 

D1 - Traveling the Same Road While Navigating Different Terrain: Institutional Data Services and Repositories Across the United States 

E1 - Developing Specialized Data Curation Curricula to Meet Growing Demands: A Community-based and Evolving Approach 

F1 - Managing Retractions and their Afterlife: A Tripartite Framework for Research Datasets 

Mikala Narlock and Jake Carlson 

Sophia Lafferty-Hess, Neggin Keshavarzian and Mikala Narlock 

Renata Curty 

14:30 - 15:00 

D2 - Assessing Data Reuse Amongst The Swiss Social Science Research Community 

E2 - From the Research Cycle to the People Cycle: Humanizing Digital Curation 

F2 - Development Of An Integrated Lifecycle Of RDM Tools: Looking Back And Forward @ KU Leuven 

Marieke Heers 

Lauren Geiger, KC New and 
Carolina M Siniscalchi 

Dieuwertje Bloemen 

15:00 - 15:30 

D3 - Evolution from Data Silos to FAIR Digital Objects - Decade of Data Management at IPK Gatersleben 

E3 - Professionalising Social Science Research Data Management with RDM Compas 

F3 - Data Management Plans: a Resource to Shape Institutional Data Management Services 

Danuta Schüler and Dr. Uwe Scholz 

Anja Perry and Ekaterina Chicherina 

Willeke de Haan 

15:30 - 16:00 

Coffee break and virtual networking 

In app meetings 

16:00 – 17:30    

Paper Session 2 


G: National perspective: UK 

H: Long views 

J: Support and impact 

Room #1 

Room #2 

Room #3 

16:00 - 16:30 

G1 - Realising Open Data Principles In UK Research Institutions 

H1 - From Building a First-Generation Digital Library Infrastructure to Reimagining Discovery 

J1: Tracking Research Impact Through Persistent Identifier Metadata 

Pen-Yuan Hsing 

Martha Whitehead and Stuart Snydman 

Matt Buys and Gabi Mejias 

16:30 - 17:00 

G2 - A Country-level Case Study: On the Evolution of UK Institutional Research Data Services 

H2 - Global Open Research Commons: Enabling Curation for the Next 20 Years 

J2: Good Support Helps To Avoid Data Horror 

Ruth Mallalieu and Robin Rice 

Andrew Treloar 

Marcel Ras and Elisa Rodenburg 

17:00 - 17:30 

G2 - A Country-level Case Study: On the Evolution of UK Institutional Research Data Services (continued) 



Ruth Mallalieu and Robin Rice 

Wednesday 19 February 2025: Main Conference Day 2 - Main Conference Virtual Programme PDF Download

Wednesday, 19 February 2024, Main conference, Day 2    


9:00 – 10:30 

Paper Session 3 


K: Sensitivity and transparency 

L: Policies 

M: Long views II 

Room #1 

Room #2 

Room #3 

09:00 - 09:30 

K1 - Mainstreaming Integration Of Security Challenging Data In Research Workflows And Research Infrastructures 

L1 - The Role Of University Data Management Policies In Understanding Research Roles And Responsibilities In The United States 

M1 - Two Decades, Same Story? Insights and Future Directions in Long Tail Data Curation 

Diana M Popa 

Diana Jones Castillo 

Inna Kouper and Gretchen Stahlman 

09:30 - 10:00 

K2 - ‘The Data Came in Waves’: Fluid Data Sharing and Reuse During Covid-19 

L2 - Agents Of Change: The Journey Of Updating An RDM Policy, And How It Can Act As A Catalyst For Reimagining Open Research Policy 

M2 - Mad with the Writing: 100 Years of Collecting – 20 Years of Digitising – 3% Completed 

Jian-Sin Lee 

Kirsty Merrett 

Robyn Alison Van Dyk 

10:00 - 10:30 

K3 - Improving the Transparency of Data Access Procedures 

L3 - Making Reproducibility a Reality by 2035? How Tier2 is Enabling Publisher Collaboration for Enhanced Data Policy Enforcement 

M3 - Did We Make It Happen? 

Ricarda Braukmann and Deborah Ellen Thorpe 

Rebecca Taylor-Grant 

Paul Stokes 

10:30 – 11:00 

Virtual demonstrations


11:00 – 12:15 

Lightning Talk Session 2 



N: Systems and services in development II 

O: Education, training, and tools 

P: Systems and services in development III 


Room #1 

Room #2 

Room #3 

N1 - The OSF Genes Within The DNA Of Research Data Management Infrastructure 

O1 - Software Curation and Archiving: A Data Curator’s Perspective of the Last 10 Years 

P1 - From Idea to Implementation: An Institutional Catalyst Helps Bring About the Yale Dataverse 

Kirianne Goossen 

Fernando Rios 

Limor Peer and Barbara Esty 

N2 - RDA TIGER: Soft Infrastructure to Facilitate and Shape Community-Driven Standards for Research Data Management 

O2 - Development of DMP Services since 2015 

P2 - The Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration – Paving the road for a Helmholtz FAIR data space 

Liise Lehtsalu 

Mari Elisa Kuusniemi and 
Soile Manninen 

Constanze Curdt 

N3 - Twenty Years Back, Five Years Forward: The Past, Present And Future Of DANS 

O3 - From FAIR Research Data to FAIR Government Information 

P3 - 10 Years Of Research Data Management At The University of St Andrews: Reflecting On Progress, Challenges And Future Goals 

Ingrid Dillo 

Deborah Yun Caldwell, Lynda Kellam and Shari Laster 

Federica Fina 

N4 - Meeting Domain-Specific Requirements With The 4TU.ResearchData Repository 

O4 - Curating Archive and Library Special Collections for Large-Scale Environmental Data Collection: A Case Study 

P4 - DMP Assistant: Stabilizing for the Future 

Madeleine de Smaele 

Nicole Elizabeth Wood 

Marcus Closen 

O5 - Digital Preservation Resources For Higher Education 

P5 - Automating Digital Preservation with Archivematica’s API and Python 

Paul Stokes 

Guanwen Zhang 

12:15 – 13:15 

Lunch break & poster voting 

13:15 – 13:45 

Speed networking 


13:45 – 15:00 

Lightning Talk Session 3 



Q: Systems and services in development IV 

R: Working with challenging data 

S: Curation infrastructure 


Room #1 

Room #2 

Room #3 

Q1 - Development of CI PAOS and DCL on RDM at the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) 

R1 - DMPs and Sensitive Data 

S1- Elevating Community-Led Digital Curation Resources to an Institutional Level 

Plato Smith 

Marcus Closen and Victoria Smith 

Jolien Scholten and Elisa Rodenburg

Q2 - Research Software Metadata Curation Roadmap 

R2 - Experience Of Curating The "New South African Student Movement: From #RhodesMustFall To #FeesMustFall” Research Project 

S2 - Combining Algorithms and Human Expertise: OpenAIRE's Entity Disambiguation Method 

Morane Gruenpeter 

Glenn Tshweu 

Stefania Amodeo 

Q3 - Associated Data Stewards as Means to Broaden Domain-Specific Expertise 

R3 - Novel SDTM Implementation to Maximize Benefits of Sharing Legacy Data 

S3 - Caring Types: How Levels Of Retention, Curation And Preservation Drive Transparent Repository Metadata 

Marcus Schmidt and 
Hanna Lindroos 

Jennifer Hanbyul Lee and Kalynn Kennon 

Hervé L'Hours and Oliver Parkes 

Q4 - Celebrating 15 Years of 4TU.ResearchData 

R4 - Open Science and Open Government at RIVM: A Balancing Act between Data Privacy and Utility 

S4 - Dataset DOIs for Improved Findability, Acknowledgement of Data Creators, and Tracking of Data Reuse 

Daniel Bangert 

Johanne Margrieta Houweling 

Kalynn E Kennon and Jennifer H Lee 

Q5 - Piloting maDMPs for Streamlined Research Data Management Workflows 


S5 - The Copyrights Chain In The Digital Curation Process: “Which Copyrights” Project At The Nazarian Library, University Of Haifa 

Maria Praetzellis 

Keren Barner 

15:00 – 15:05    


15:05 - 15:20 

Best paper and best poster awards 


15:20 - 15:40 

Closing remarks by Cliff Lynch, Executive Director CNI 


15:40 - 16:00 

Wrap up by Kevin Ashley, DCC Director 


Visit our Accepted Submissions webpage for a full list of programme contributors 

Please note this programme could be subject to change, please check back for the latest version of the IDCC25 conference programme.