Because good research needs good data

DMPonline Community

Join our user group and developer community, or engage with us in global fora to set the direction on DMPs

Keep in touch

DMPonline events

We value understanding how the community uses our tool and how we can improve to meet their needs. We run approximately 5-6 events per year where we bring together our users to demonstrate new features, discuss future developments and ask for feedback.

User groups

Forthcoming meetings

  • 17 February 2025 - Future-Proofing Data Management: Interactive Workshop on DMPonline's Progress and Path Forward, workshop as part of IDCC 2025
  • 20 May 2025 - Community Event

Check out our previous meetings on our Events page

Information for users

DMPonline is a user-friendly tool. The end user will not need to know much more than what the help page says. However, we provide video tutorials on YouTube and additional support material for users with administrative rights.

Information for the developer community 

Together with our partners at the California Digital Library, we run the open source DMPRoadmap codebase. A growing number of organisations have installed the code and contribute to the developer community. If you add features, please send a Pull Request so we can consider adding them into the common code. 

Machine actionable DMPs

We work closely with a number of institutions to progress machine actionable DMPs (maDMPs).

DMPonline exports to JSON and our data model maps to the RDA common standard for DMPs. We also have a number of integrations, for example with the OpenAIRE API listing grant IDs and the RDA metadata standards directory. All of these features make it easier to reuse the content in DMPs and integrate with other services. You can structure the questions in your template to define values for storage locations and data volumes. This allows you to set triggers to get alerts and also to use the API to mine this information.

We continually gather requirements to prioritise integrations and have published use cases for machine actionable DMPs. Key resources we have authored and contributed to are listed below.

If you would like to engage in these initiatives we encourage you to join the related Research Data Alliance groups