Theme: Coordinating support for research data stewardship - generic and disciplinary roles
RDMF 21 will focus on institutional data stewardship roles, and how national-level communities of practice can help institutions coordinate them e.g. on the following -
We are very excited to pick up the thread of our RDMF event, which was scheduled for April in London to bring you a virtual version. We have a number of speakers lined up and invite you to join us on the 3rd of June 2020.
Registration is now open and can be accessed via this link.
Managing and sharing data effectively requires a significant investment from research communities and data service providers. Effort needs to be allocated to plan and execute data management activities such as creating data documentation and preparing data for deposit. Resources also need to be committed to ensure appropriate services are in place and required allocations are made.
The RDMF is returning - unconference style! Hot on the heels of a trial at IDCC in Melbourne, we're bringing an unconference to the UK community. The unconference will provide a space to discuss challenges and share lessons on providing research data support.
The Research Data Management Forum is (we believe) the UK's longest running research data focused series of events. This Autumn we return to the RDMF's spiritual home in Manchester!
This event will be of interest to: representatives of library, information and research organisations; repository managers; data curators, data centre managers and other data professionals; research administrators and CRIS system managers; research funding organisations; publishers; researchers and research networks.
Speakers and presentations:
It’s been more than eighteen months since EPSRC’s data policy mandate came into force, and the joint Concordat on Open Research Data is in place with broad support and institutional guidelines to match. Across UK Higher Education, many systems have been refreshed, services established, and guidelines put in place. Research data, alongside its cousin research software, is finding its place in institutional and national catalogues as a ‘first-class citizen’ among the research outputs to which they are linked.
Simple, accurate transfer of content between systems and across institutional boundaries is one of the core aims of information management. In the research environment, there is an accepted need to link publications to the datasets which underpin them, and to sustain these links over the long term, thereby ensuring a more robust and trustworthy scholarly record. But while research publications will generally be held in comparatively stable repositories, data (and metadata) may be created, held in, and accessed via a multitude of different – and constantly evolving – systems.
The phrase ‘preparing data for deposit’ might conjure images of the final days of a research project, when staff may be more concerned with getting started on their next piece of work (and possibly their next place of work) than tidying up loose ends from the research that is due to conclude.