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Day two papers
Research Papers
- Assessing Perceived Usability of the Data Curation Profiles Toolkit Using the Technology Acceptance Model - Tao Zhang (1); Lisa Zilinski (1); Scott D. Brandt(1); Jake Carlson (2): 1: Purdue University 2: University of Michigan
- "Designated Communities": through the lens of the web - Yunhyong Kim: University of Glasgow
- Digital Curation and Doctoral Research: Current Practice - Daisy Abbott: Glasgow School of Art
- Mapping methods metadata for research data - Tiffany Chao: University of Illinois
- Towards the Preservation of the Scientific Memory - Brian Matthews; Shirley Crompton; Catherine Jones; Simon Lambert: STFC
- User-defined Metadata: Using Cues and Changing Perspectives - Cerys Willoughby, Colin Bird & Jeremy Frey: University of Southampton
Practice Papers
- A System for Distributed Minting and Management of Persistent Identifiers - Lukasz Bolikowski; Aleksander Nowiński; Wojtek Sylwestrzak Organisation(s): ICM, University of Warsaw, Poland
- APIs and Big Data: the Emperor’s New Clothes? - Jennifer Edmond; Vicky Garnett: Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
- Bridging the Data Talent Gap - positioning the iSchool as an Agent for Change - Liz Lyon & Aaron Brenner: University of Pittsburgh, United States of America
- Collection, Curation, Citation at Source: Publication@Source 10 years on - Jeremy Frey; Simon Coles; Colin Bird & Cerys Willoughby: University of Southampton
- Data Carpentry: workshops to increase data literacy for researchers - Tracy Teal (1); Karen Cranston (2); Hilmar Lapp (2); Ethan White(3); Karthik Ram (4); Greg Wilson (5); Aleksandra Pawlik (6) : 1: Michigan State University, East Lansing; 2: National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent),USA; 3: Utah State University, Logan ; 4: Section of Evolution and Ecology, University of California ;5: Software Carpentry Foundation; 6: University of Manchester
- Digital Curation Education and Training: From Digitization to Graduate Curricula and MOOCS - Helen Tibbo: UNC-Chapel Hill
- Enriching Education with Exemplars in Practice: Iterative Development of Data Curation Internships - Matthew Mayernik (1); Cheryl Thompson (2); Valerie Williams (1); Suzie Allard (3); Carole Palmer (4); Carol Tenopir (3) : 1: National Center for Atmospheric Research, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research; 2: Graduate of Library & Information Science, University of Illinois; 3: School of Information Sciences University of Tennessee; 4: Information School, University of Washington
- Essentials for Data Support: Training the Front Office - Marjan Grootveld (1); Ellen Verbakel (2): 1: Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS), The Netherlands; 2: 3TU.Datacentrum, The Netherlands
- Green Shoots: Research Data Management Pilot at Imperial College London - Torsten Reimer; Ian McArdle : Imperial College London
- Harmonizing Metadata Among Diverse Climate Change Datasets - Andre Vellino, University of Ottawa, Canada
- Meeting institutional needs for digital curation through shared endeavor: the application of Hydra/Fedora at the University of Hull - Chris Awre, University of Hull
- MOLES3: Implementing an ISO standards driven data catalogue - Graham Parton (1); Steven Donegan (1); Bryan Lawrence (2); Stephen Pascoe (1); Ag Stephens (1); Spiros Ventouras (1) : 1: Centre for Environmental Data Archival, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory ; 2: NCAS, Department of Meteorology, University of Reading
- Planting the Seeds for Data Literacy: Lessons Learned from a Student Centered Education Program - Jake Carlson (1); Mariane Bracke (2): 1: University of Michigan ; 2: Purdue University
- Project to Production: Digital Preservation at the Houses of Parliament, 2010-2020 - Christopher Fryer: Houses of Parliament
- Promoting Data Reuse and Collaboration at an Academic Medical Center - Kevin Read, Kevin; Jessica Athens; Ian Lamb; Joey Nicholson; Neil Rambo; Alisa Surkis: NYU School of Medicine
- RDM – an approach from a modern university with a growing research portfolio - Alistair Fitt; Rowena Rouse; Sarah Taylor: Oxford Brookes University
- Research Data Management in a Developing Country: a personal journey - Heila Pienaar (1); Martie van Deventer (2): 1: University of Pretoria, South Africa; 2: CSIR, South Africa
- Service integration to enhance RDM: RSpace ELN case study - Stuart Macdonald (1); Rory Macneil (2)
Organisation(s): 1: University of Edinburgh 2: Research Space - Ten years back, five years forward: the Data Seal of Approval - Ingrid Dillo; Lisa de Leeuw: DANS, The Netherlands
- The 2014 DAF survey at the University of Sheffield - Andrew Cox & Laurian Williamson, University of Sheffield
- Twenty years of data management in the British Atmospheric Data Centre - Sam Pepler: NERC/BADC
- YesWorkflow: A User-Oriented Language-Independent Tool for Recovering Workflow Structure, Provenance, and Semantics from Scripts - Bertram Ludäscher (1); Tianhong Song (2); Steve Aulenbach (3); Khalid Belhajjame (4); Kyle Bocinsky (5); Fernando Chirigati (6); Juliana Freire (6); David Koop (7); Timothy McPhillips (1); Paolo Missier (8); Mark Schildhauer (9); Christopher Schwalm (10) : 1: University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign; 2: University of California, Davis; 3: University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, U.S. Global change Research Program; 4: Paris-Dauphine University, Lamsade, France; 5: Washington State University, Pullman; 6: New York University; 7: University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth; 8: Newcastle University; 9: National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis; 10: Northern Arizona University