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Vote for the three best posters between 09.30 on Monday, 9 February and 13.30 on Tuesday, 10 February.
- 110 Reinventing the Wheel. Training Subject Librarians for Research Data Management Support at the University of Amsterdam Mariëtte van Selm - Organisation: University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 131 From Citation to Research Object; the CLADDIER Legacy Catherine Jones (1); Shirley Crompton (1); Sarah Callaghan(1); Bryan Lawrence (2); Brian Matthews (1); Antony Wilson (1); Sam Pepler (1) - Organisation(s): 1: Science and Technology Facilities Council, United Kingdom; 2: University of Reading
- 141 Researcher-Centred Data Repository Workflows Stephen Grace & David McElroy - Organisation: University of East London, United Kingdom
- 148 PyRDM: A library to facilitate the automated publication of software and data in computational science Christian Jacobs; Alexandros Avdis; Gerard Gorman; Matthew Piggott - Organisation: Imperial College London, United Kingdom
- 175 Crediting a Climate Model Dataset Like a Movie? - A Case Study in Data Attribution Chung-Yi Hou (1); Terri Betancourt (2); Matthew Mayernik (3) - Organisation(s): 1: Graduate School of Library and Information Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; 2: Research Applications Laboratory National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR); 3: NCAR Library National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
- 178 Currency (Metadata) Conversion: Conflicts in Coin Cataloging Rick Hale (1); Ron Jantz (1); Annamarie Klose (2); Michael Lesk (1), Organisation(s): 1: Rutgers University, United States of America; 2: Frostburg State University, United States of America
- 179 Developing a digital preservation strategy at the University of Melbourne Leo Konstantelos; Owen O'Neill; Gavan McCarthy; Anna Shadbolt; Katrina Dean - Organisation: University of Melbourne, Australia
- 182 The Repository in Action: A Working Snapshot of the University of Oxford's New Research Data Archive Amanda Flynn & Sally Rumsey - Organisation: University of Oxford, United Kingdom
- 183 DMPonline: what’s new Sarah Jones (1); David Wilson (1); Ribeiro, Marta (2) - Organisation(s): 1: DCC, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom; 2: DCC, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
- 184 Development of an Analytic Rubric to Facilitate and Standardize the Review of NSF Data Management Plans Susan Wells Parham (1); Jake Carlson (2); Patricia Hswe (3); Lizzy Rolando (1); Brian Westra (4); Amanda L. Whitmire (5) - Organisation(s): 1: Georgia Institute of Technology, United States of America; 2: University of Michigan, United States of America; 3: Pennsylvania State University, United States of America; 4: University of Oregon, United States of America; 5: Oregon State University, United States of America
- 185 Easy DDI Organizer (EDO): Metadata management and survey planning tool based on DDI-Lifecycle Akira Motegi - Organisation: Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan
- 186 The DURAARK Pre-Ingest Workbench – Bridging Producer and Archival Needs for Architectural 3D Data Michelle Lindlar - Organisation: TIB - German National Library of Science and Technology, Germany
- 187 BenchmarkDP: Evidence for Digital Preservation Christoph Becker(1,2); Emily Maemura (1) Kresimir Duretec (2); Artur Kulmukhametov(2); Andreas Rauber (2); Hannes Kulovits (3); Ricardo Vieira(4); Elsa Cardoso (4); Jose Borbinha (4) - Organisation(s): 1: University of Toronto, Canada; 2: Vienna University of Technology, Austria; 3: The Austrian State Archives, Austria; 4: INESC-ID, Lisbon, Portugal
- 188 Data workforce needs: Disambiguation of roles using clustering and topic modelling Cheryl AnnetteThompson; Craig Willis, Organization: University of Illinois, United States of America
- 189 Supporting data production description: an exploration of metadata standards Tiffany Chao - Organisation: University of Illinois, United States of America
- 190 Shared Supplemental Data Repository for Japanese Academic Societies in Information Sciences Kazutsuna Yamaji (1); Toshihiro Aoyama (2) - Organisation(s): 1: National Institute of Informatics, Japan; 2: Suzuka National College of Technology, Japan
- 191 Scenario based decision-making on information encapsulation techniques Anna Grit Eggers (1); Jens Ludwig (1); Fabio Corubolo (2); Efstratios Kontopoulos, (3,) - Organisation(s): 1: State- and University Library Göttingen, Germany; 2: University of Liverpool, UK; 3: Centre for Research & Technology, Hellas, Greece
- 193 Supporting multiple metadata standards within the Digital Repository of Ireland Jenny O'Neill ; Stuart Kenny ; Kathryn Cassidy - Organisation: Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
196 Data Conservancy Packaging Tools and Use Perspectives from Research Data Management Services Tim DiLauro & Jonathan Petters - Organisation: Johns Hopkins University, United States of America
- 197 SEAD: Supporting the Flow of Data from Active Project Spaces to Long-Term Repositories Dharma Akmon (1); Margaret Hedstrom (1); Jim Myers (1); Beth Plale (2); Praveen Kumar (3) - Organisation(s): 1: University of Michigan, United States of America; 2: Indiana University; 3: University of Illinois
- 198 Train the trainers: Teaching an introductory workshop in digital preservation Astrid Recker (2); Laurence Horton (1); Alexia Katsanidou (2) - Organisation(s): 1: London School of Economics & Political Science, United Kingdom; 2: GESIS - Leibinz Institute for the Social Sciences
- 199 Envisioning and Enacting a Coherent Organization-Wide View of Data Karen Baker (1); Matthew Mayernik (2); Cheryl Thompson (1); Eric Nienhouse (2); Steve Williams (2); Steve Worley (2) - Organisation(s): 1: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, United States of America; 2: University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
- 200 Introducing Digital Curation into the Army Historical Program Molly Ann Bompane - Organisation: United States Army Europe, Germany
- 201 Research data platforms - finding the right levels of capability for the organisation Angus Whyte (1); Stuart Macdonald (2); Janet Heslop (3); Florio Arguillas (3); Veerle Ven den Eynden (4) - Organisation(s): 1: Digital Curation Centre, United Kingdom; 2: University of Edinburgh; 3: Cornell University; 4: UK Data Service
- 202 Using Islandora Multi-Sites to Sustain Faculty Digital Humanities Projects Kelli Babcock - Organisation: University of Toronto Libraries, Canada
- 204 A snapshot of data citation using the Data Citation Index and the Web of Science Ui Ikeuchi & Hiroshi Itsumura - Organisation: University of Tsukuba, Japan
- 205 Research data management in Spain: results from a DATASEA project survey Fernanda Peset (1); Antonio Fernandez (1); Antonio Ferrer (1); Alicia García-García (2); Rafael Aleixandre(3); Antonio Vidal (4); Consol García (5) - Organisation(s): 1: Universidad Politecnica De Valencia, Spain; 2: Universidad Catolica De Valenca, Spain; 3: INGENIO-CSIC, Spain; 4: Universitat De Valencia, Spain; 5: Universitat Politecnica De Catalunya, Spain
- 206 OpenAIRE Guidelines: supporting interoperability for Data Archives Pedro Principe (1); Lars Nielsen (2); Eloy Rodrigues (1); Jochen Schirrwagen (3) - Organisation(s): 1: University of Minho, Portugal; 2: CERN, Switzerland; 3: University of Bielefeld, Germany
- 207 TR32DB: A project database to manage research data of an interdisciplinary, long-term research project Constanze Curdt & Dirk Hoffmeister - Organisation: University of Cologne, Germany
- 208 Curating disciplinary data sets within a university repository: lessons learned from an engineering librarian Christie Wiley - Organisation: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, United States of America
- 209 Visualizing the Research Process: A Participatory Design Study for Developing Research Data Management Library Services Eleanor Mattern;Wei Jeng ; Liz Lyon; Daqing He; Aaron Brenner - Organisation: University of Pittsburgh, United States of America
- 210 Local assessment of science RDM practices as examined through journal policies Dylanne Dearborn & Steve Marks -
Organisation: University of Toronto, Canada - 214 CISER's Data Curation and Reproduction of Results Service Florio Orocio Arguillas & William Block - Organisation: Cornell Institute for Social and Economic Research, United States of America
- 215 A risk analysis of business model canvas for digital curation Ahmad Nadali; Diogo Proenca; Raquel Bairrao; Jose Borbinha; Ricardo Vieira - Organisation: Universidade de Lisboa, INESC-ID
- 216 Towards a UK Research Data Discovery Service Laura Molloy (1); Kevin Ashley (1); Alex Ball (1); Veerle Van Den Eynden (2) - Organisation(s): 1: Digital Curation Centre, United Kingdom 2: UK Data Archive
- 217 FOSTER - Heading for Open Science: Filling the Knowledge Gap Sarah Jones - Organisation: Digital Curation Centre, United Kingdom
- 218 Curation Costs Exchange: Understanding and comparing digital curation costs to support smarter investments
Joy Davidson (1); Luis Faria:(2) Neil Grindley:(3) - Organisation(s): 1. Digital Curation Centre 2. KEEP Solutions 3. Jisc
Vote for the three best posters between 09.30 on Monday, 9 February and 13.30 on Tuesday, 10 February.