Because good research needs good data


Submissions shoud be made using ConfTool

Submission Template

Our templates serve both as a means of formatting your submission and as an example of the required layout itself, providing a variety of examples in the complex area of citations and references.

If you have any queries about the template please contact us.

Poster Instructions

If your poster submission is accepted you will be required to produce a poster for display at the conference and to submit a PDF of the poster prior to the conference.

The ideal poster should be designed to attract attention, provide a brief overview of your work and initiate discussion. Posters need to be as simple and as clear as possible with an emphasis on graphics rather than text. Posters should adhere to the following guidelines:

  •     A1 portrait or landscape 33.11″ x 23.39" approximately 594mm x 841mm.
  •     Your poster should be one piece and not made up of separate sections.
  •     Finish: Laminate
  •     Your poster should include title, author(s) names, affiliations, institutional logos, where appropriate, and email addresses.

There will be a prize for the best poster


The workshops will be scheduled pre and post conference i.e Monday 24 February and Thursday 27 February 2014, workshops may also take place on Friday 28 February if there is sufficient demand.

Workshop submissions can be for a half-day or a full day and should fit with the conference themes.

Workshops can either be fully funded by the proposers in which case they will be free to delegates, or workshops can be fee based but the minimum cost will need to be underwritten by the proposers. All  workshops will be run in partnership with the DCC.

Please contact us if you require further information