Because good research needs good data

Programme with presentations

Draft Programme

Programme PDF

Monday 24 February



Programme of workshops

Pre-Conference Drinks Reception will be held in the Starlight Room (located on 21st floor of the Francis Drake Hotel)

Welcome: Patricia Cruse, Director of University of California Curation Center (UC3) at the California Digital Library

director of the University of California Curation Center (UC3) at the California Digital Library - See more at: /events/idcc13/speakers#sthash.WjQK9edP.dpuf
director of the University of California Curation Center (UC3) at the California Digital Library - See more at: /events/idcc13/speakers#sthash.WjQK9edP.dpuf


Tuesday 25 February

08.00-09.00 Conference Registration

Breakfast & Coffee/Tea

09.00-09.05 Welcome - Kevin Ashley, Director of the Digital Curation Centre


"Translating a trillion points of data into therapies, diagnostics and new insights into disease"   [Download PDF]

Atul Butte, Associate Professor in Medicine and Pediatrics, Stanford University School of Medicine

Chair: Kevin Ashley, Director of the Digital Curation Centre



"Got Data?  Building a global ecosystem for data-driven innovation"

Fran Berman, Edward G. Hamilton Distinguished Professor in Computer Science at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Chair: Kevin Ashley, Director of the Digital Curation Centre

[Download PDF]

10.25-11.00 Coffee/Tea


"The Future for (Big) Data Curation - Harnessing Institutional, Community and Computational Power" [Download PDF]

Jane Hunter, Professorial Research Fellow & Leader of the eResearch Lab, School of ITEE, University of Queensland

Chair: Rachel Bruce, Director Technology Innovation, Jisc Digital Futures



"Strategies for Educating Digital Curation Professionals to Harness the Data Deluge" [Download PDF]

Seamus Ross, Dean & Professor, School of Information, University of Toronto

Chair: Rachel Bruce, Director Technology Innovation, Jisc Digital Futures



"Achieving sustainable and successful open data publication" [Download PDF]

Brian Hole, Ubiquity Press

Chair: Birte Christensen-Dalsgaard, Deputy Director General, Det Kongelige Bibliotek



"The advent of open journalism"

Paul Lewis, Washington Correspondent, The Guardian [View slides]

Chair: Birte Christensen-Dalsgaard, Deputy Director General, Det Kongelige Bibliotek

13.00-14.00 Lunch


"Preparing the workforce for digital curation: The iSchool perspective"

The Panel will discuss the report of the BRDI (Board on Research Data and Information)


Margaret Hedstrom - School of Information, University of Michigan [Download PDF]

Ron Larsen - School of Information Science, University of Pittsburgh [Download PDF]

Carole Palmer -  Graduate School of Library & Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign [Download PDF]


David DeRoure - Director of the Oxford eResearch Centre [Download PDF]

Liz Lyon - Visiting Professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Information Sciences (iSchool) [Download PDF]


Cliff Lynch, Executive Director, Coalition for Networked Information (CNI)

15.30-16.00 Coffee/Tea
16.00-16.45 Demos - North Beach Demos - Telegraph Hill
16.00-16.15 DataUp 2.0 Collection, Curation & Citation@Source: The Labtrove Notebook [Download PDF]
16.15-16.30 Rethinking DMPonline: a new data model Archivematica
16.30-16.45 The Online Research Database Service (ORDS)  
17.00-18.00 Poster Exhibition
18.00-19.30 Poster Exhibition & Drinks Reception
20-00-22.00 Conference Dinner - City Club of San Francisco


Wednesday 26 February

08.00-09.00 Breakfast & Coffee/Tea
09.00-09.05 Welcome John Kunze, Associate Director of California Curation Center (UC3) at the California Digital Library


"Fundamental Constants: thoughts on data challenges for international science and the role of CODATA" [Download PDF]

Simon Hodson, Executive Director, CODATA

Chair: John Kunze, Associate Director of California Curation Center (UC3) at the California Digital Library

09.45-10.15 Coffee/Tea
  Parallel A Parallel B Parallel C
Session 1 DMP Data Publishing – Libraries & Repositories Data & Value


“DMPTool 2.0: Expanding Functionality for Better Data Management Planning “ Carly Strasser, Stephen Abrams & Patricia Cruse, California Digital Library [Download PDF]

“Towards a symbiotic Relationship between Academic Libraries & Disciplinary Data Repositories: A Dryad & University of Michigan Case Study” Jennifer Green, University of Michigan [Download PDF]

“Curating for Value in Different Data Stewardship Paradigms”Mark Parsons, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute [Download PDF]


“DMPonline Version 4.0: user-led innovation” Sarah Jones, DCC/University of Glasgow and Diana Sisu DCC/University of Edinburgh [Download PDF]

“Library & Researcher Collaborative Data Publishing: the Southern Voting Project” Victoria Mitchell, University of Oregon [Download PDF]

“Committing to Data Quality Review” Limor Peer, Yale University [Download PDF]


“Establishing Services & Resources to support Faculty Writing Data Management Plans: Lessons Learned from an Engineering Pilot” Natsuko Nicholls, University of Michigan [Download PDF]

“Guidelines on recommending data repositories as partners in data publication” Jonathan Tedds, University of Leicester & Sarah Callaghan, British Atmospheric Data Centre [Download PDF]

“Show me the data: the pilot UK Research Data Registry” Alex Ball, DCC/UKOLN Informatics [Download PDF]


Chair: Sarah Shreeves, University of Illinoisat Urbana-Champaign

Chair: James Wilson, University of Oxford

Chair: Ruth Wilson, Scientific Data

11.05-11.20 Transition time Transition time Transition time
Session 2 Training Data Publishing: linking with articles Infrastructure
11.20-11.35 “The DigCurV curriculum framework for digital curation in the cultural heritage sector” Laura Molloy, DCC/University of Glasgow [Download PDF] “Building a Bridge Between Journal Articles & Research Data” Eleni Castro, Harvard University & Alex Garnett, Simon Fraser University [Download PDF] “Persistent Identifiers for Scholarly Assets and the Web: The Need for an Unambiguous Mapping” Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory [Slides]

“Delivering innovative RDM Training: the immersiveInformatics Pilot Programme at the University of Melbourne”Anna Shadbolt, University of Melbourne [Download PDF]

“Cross-linking between journal publication and data repositories: a selection of examples”  Sarah Callaghan, British Atmospheric Data Centre [Download PDF]

“Building a disciplinary metadata standards directory” Alex Ball, DCC/UKOLN Informatics [Download PDF]


Chair: Gail Steinhart, Cornell University Library

Chair: Max Wilkinson, University College London

Chair: Neil Grindley, Jisc

11.50-12.00 Transition time Transition time Transition time
Session 3 Planning for Data Management Data Reuse Citizen Science
12.00-12.30 “Process Management Plans” Tomasz Miksa, SBA Research (R) [Download PDF] “Data Producers Courting Data Reusers: Two cases from modeling communities” Jillian Walis, University of California, Los Angeles (R) [Download PDF] “Managing the Public to Manage Data: Citizen Science and Astronomy” Peter Darch, University of California, Los Angeles (R) [Download PDF]

“Data Management in Metagenomics: A Risk Management Approach” Filipe Ferreira, INESC-ID/Tecnico, Universidade de Lisboa (R) [Download PDF]


“eBird: Curating Citizen Science for Use by Diverse Communities” Carl Lagoze, School of Information, University of Michigan (R) [Download PDF]


Chair: Jeremy Frey, University of Southampton

Chair: Scott Brandt, Purdue University

Chair: Leo Konstantelos, University of Melbourne

13.00-14.00 Lunch
Session 4 Institutional & National Data Workflows Disciplinary Data
14.00-14.15 “DataShare: Empowering Researcher Data Curation” Stephen Abrahms, California Digital Library [Download PDF] “Examining Disclosure Risk & Data Utility: An Administrative Data Case Study” Michael Comerford, University of Glasgow  (R) [Download PDF] “Publishing and Pushing: Mixing Models for Communicating Research
Data in Archaeology” Eric Kansa, UC Berkeley (R) [Download PDF]
14.15-14.30 “Research Data Curation Pilots: Lessons Learned” David Minor, UC San Diego Library [Download PDF]
14.30-14.45 “From project to strategic vision: transformational leadership in research data management support at the University of Sydney Library” Belinda Norman, University of Sydney Library [Download PDF] “Towards Automated Workflow Design Analysis of Declarative Curation Workflows” Bertram Ludäscher, UC Davis [Download PDF] “Leveraging High Performance Computing for Managing Large & Evolving Data Collections” Ritu Arora, Texas Advanced Computing Center [Download PDF]
14.45-15.00 “Reshaping the DCC Institutional Engagement Programme”, Jonathan Rans DCC/University of Edinburgh [Download PDF] “The PBase Scientific Workflow Provenance Repository” Victor Cuevas-Vicenttin, UC Davis [Download PDF] “Building Infrastructure for Preservation & Publication of Earthquake Engineering Research Data” Stanislav Pejša, Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation [Download PDF]
15.00-15.15 “The Front Office-Back Office model: supporting research data management in the Netherlands” Ingrid Dillo, Data Archiving & Networked Services (DANS) [Download PDF]

Integrating digital forensics techniques into curatorial tasks: a Case Study” Sam Alan Meister, University of Montana [Download PDF]

“We’re Working on it: Transferring the Sloan Digital Sky Survey from Laboratory to Library” Ashley Sands, UCLA [Download PDF]


Chair: Ixchel Faniel, OCLC

Chair: Amy Hodge, Stanford University

Chair: Ruth Duerr, National Snow & Ice Data Center

15.15-15.30 Transition time

Award for Best Research Paper - Christine Borgman, UCLA

Awarded to : "Publishing and Pushing: Mixing Models for Communicating Research Data in Archaeology" - Eric Kansa (1,2); Sarah Whitcher Kansa (2,3); Benjamin Arbuckle, (4); Organization(s): 1: UC Berkeley, USA; 2: Open Context, USA; 3: The Alexandria Archive Institute, USA; 4: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Award for Best Poster - Kristin Tolle, Microsoft Research


Closing Keynote

Clifford Lynch, Executive Director, CNI (Coalition for Networked Information)

Chair: Kevin Ashley, Director of the Digital Curation Centre


Closing Remarks

Kevin Ashley, Director of the Digital Curation Centre

16.45 Coffee/Tea


Thursday 27 February


Programme of workshops