Because good research needs good data


Programme PDF (updated 12 January 2011)

Monday 6 December

A programme of pre-conference workshops were held at the Chicago Mart Plaza. See the Workshops link for more information.

Tuesday 7 December

The first day of the conference looked at how data curation practices are evolving and spreading throughout the disciplines and what institutional structures and communities are needed to help support these developments. The programme included invited speakers in plenary sessions together with an interactive afternoon, including a “Community Space” for posters, demonstrations and informal meetings and a Symposium.

Keynote speeches

  • Working the crowd: Lessons from Galaxy Zoo. Chris Lintott, Principal Investigator, University of Oxford & Adler Planetarium.
  • Curation Centres, Curation Services: How Many is Enough? Kevin Ashley, Director, Digital Curation Centre, University of Edinburgh.


Best peer-reviewed paper


  • Libraries, Librarians and Data. Sheila Corrall, Professor of Librarianship & Information Management, University of Sheffield & Christine Borgman, Professor & Presidential Chair in Information Studies, UCLA.

Summing up

  • Clifford Lynch, Executive Director, Coalition for Networked Information.

Wednesday 8 December

The second day featured the accepted papers presented in themed parallel sessions.

Keynote speech

Best student paper

  • Linking to Scientific Data: Identity Problems of Unruly and Poorly Bounded Digital Objects Laura Wynholds, University of California, Los Angeles.

Curation in Institutions

National Perspectives on Curation Policy

Metadata, Ontologies & the Semantic Web

Digital Curation Education

Data Curation Case Studies

Emulation, Format Conversion & Visualisation

Keynote speech

Programme PDF (updated 12 January 2011)