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The deadline for submitting papers, posters and demos is now past. The information below is retained for historical interest.
Submission Template
The submission template should be used for Research and Practice papers.
Our template serves both as a means of formatting your submission and as an example of the required layout itself, providing a variety of examples in the complex area of citations and references.
Download the submission template [DOC,124KB]
All submissions must follow the submission template.
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About our Submissions Template
The template for papers to be submitted acts as an example as well as a means of formatting a paper's content. The examples it contains do not cover all contingencies but provides a view of the most common usages. The examples begin their span with a reference to the Style used to generate it.
Although the text is 'greeked', it does provide extensive examples of how to cite in the author + date form, the citation year being used as an anchor to the corresponding reference list item. Note that in multiple citations, the order conforms to the order required by the References list, i.e. by author, alphabetical, same author plus others, alphabetical, and year.
The references examples are all prefaced by the type of entry, e.g. journal article, proceedings, book, and so on. Although the list is not exhaustive for sanity's sake, it provides coverage of most types. Editing will pick up any discrepancies beyond these examples, but it is very important that authors place the correct category of reference item in square brackets before each item, even though the References list's order is alphabetical as explained above. This will help editors to ensure formatting is correct. If, for example, the reference is to a message posted to an electronic mailing list, then enter [message posted to e-mail list] before the actual reference and editors will format the item.
Note the example of the footnote. Authors are encouraged to keep their references list clear of references to websites or notes of explanation, and so on. These are best accomplished by footnotes which appear at the bottom of the page in which they are anchored (see example). Note that URLs to websites should be prefaced by an English language title, if only the contents of the website's title tag for readers' ease of reference.
The selection of sub-headings structure has been confined to three levels. Generally speaking most authors seem content with two levels or three at most. Should you need to apply a 4th or 5th level, then it is important to contact us since this involves a complex change in the layout.
If you have any queries about the template or matters which, for the sake of brevity, it does not cover, then please contact
Poster Instructions
If your poster submission has been accepted you are required to produce a poster for display at the conference and to submit a PDF of the poster prior to the conference for inclusion on the conference USB Memory Stick.
There is a dedicated presentation session in the main auditorium on 7 December at 13.30pm. Each poster author or representative is invited to give a short one minute pitch for their poster/demo. Each presenter is allowed one PowerPoint slide for display during the one-minute presentation. A template of the PowerPoint slide including instructions is available for downloading.
The ideal poster should be designed to attract attention, provide a brief overview of your work and initiate discussion. Posters need to be as simple and as clear as possible with an emphasis on graphics rather than text. Posters should adhere to the following guidelines.
- A1 portrait or landscape (approximately 60cm x 80cm).
- Your poster should be one piece and not made up of separate sections.
- Finish: Laminate
- Your poster should include title, author(s) names, affiliations, institutional logos, where appropriate, and email addresses.