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Day two papers
Research Papers
- Trust in Digital Repositories (Best Research Paper Award at IDCC13)
Elizabeth Yakel (1); Ixchel Faniel (2); Adam Kriesberg (1); Ayoung Yoon (3); Organizations: 1: University of Michigan, United States of America; 2: OCLC Research, United States of America; 3: University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, United States of America
- Data Management and Preservation Planning for Big Science
Juan Bicarregui (1); Norman Gray (2); Rob Henderson (3); Roger Jones (3); Simon Lambert (1); Brian Matthews (1) ; Organizations: 1: Scientific Computing Department, STFC; 2: School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow; 3: Department of Physics, University of Lancaster
- Prenormative Research into Standard Messaging Formats for Engineering Materials Data
Tim Austin; Organization: The European Commission, Netherlands
- Toward Standardization: A Participatory Framework for the Process of Developing Scientific Metadata Standards
Lynn Yarmey (1); Karen Baker (2) ; Organizations: 1: National Snow and Ice Data Center, United States of America; 2: University of Illinois Urbana Champaign Graduate School of Library and Information Science
- Towards Emulation-as-a-Service - Cloud Services for Versatile Digital Object Access
Dirk von Suchodoletz, Dirk; Klaus Rechert; Organization; University of Freiburg, Germany
- Generation of a Skeleton Corpus of Digital Objects for the Validation and Evaluation of Format Identification Tools and Signatures
Ross Spencer, Independent Digital Preservation Researcher, UK
Can Persistent Identifiers Be Cool
Stefano Bortoli ; Barbara Bazzanella; Paolo Bouquet; Organization: University of Trento, Italy
- Distributed Digital Preservation in the Cloud
David S H. Rosenthal; Daniel L Vargas; Organization: Stanford University Libraries, United States of America
Practice Papers
- Here, KAPTUR this!
Identifying and selecting the infrastructure required to support the curation and preservation of visual arts research data
Leigh Garrett; Marie-Therese Gramstadt; Carlos Silva; Organization: University for the Creative Arts, United Kingdom
Gathering evidence of benefits: a structured approach from the Managing Research Data programme
Simon Hodson (1); Laura Molloy (2); Meik Poschen (3); Jonathan Tedds (4); Organizations: 1: JISC, United Kingdom; 2: University of Glasgow, United Kingdom; 3: University of Manchester, United Kingdom; 4: University of Leicester, United Kingdom
- Meeting the Data Management Compliance Challenge: Funder Expectations and Institutional Reality
Catherine Pink (2,1); Liz Lyon (2,1); Jez Cope (1); Matthew Davidson (1) Organizations: 1: University of Bath, United Kingdom; 2: UKOLN
- Institutional research data management services: progress and challenges in the JISC Managing Research Data Programme
Simon Hodson; Organization: JISC, United Kingdom
- Model Development for Scientific Data Curation Education
Mary Marlino (1); Karon Kelly (1); Matthew S.Mayernik (1); Suzie Allard (2); Carol Tenopir (2); Carol L. Palmer (3); Virgil E. Varvel Jr (3); Organizations: 1: National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), United States of America; 2: University of Tennessee, School of Information Sciences; 3: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Graduate School of Library and Information Science
- Processes and Procedures for Data Publication: a case study in the Geosciences
Sarah Callaghan (1); Fiona Murphy (2); Jonathan Tedds (3); Rob Allan (4); Rebecca Lawrence (5); Organizations: 1: STFC, United Kingdom; 2: Wiley-Blackwell; 3: University of Leicester; 4: UK Met Office; 5: F1000 Ltd
- Data Management of Confidential Data
Carl Lagoze (1); Bill Block (2); Jeremy Williams (2); Lars Vilhuber (2); John Abowd (2);
Organizations: 1: University of Michigan, United States of America; 2: Cornell University - Developing an Approach for Data Management Education: A Report from the Data Information Literacy Project
Jake Carlson (1); Lisa Johnston (2); Brian Westra (3); Mason Nichols(1); Organizations: 1: Purdue University, United States of America; 2: University of Minnesota, United States of America; 3: University of Oregon, United States of America
- Implementing the Research Data Management Policy: University of Edinburgh Roadmap
Cuna Ekmekcioglu (1); Jeff Haywood (1); Sarah Jones (2); Stuart Lewis (1); Stuart Macdonald (1); Robin Rice (1); Tony Weir (1);
Organizations: 1: University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom; 2: University of Glasgow, United Kingdom - Linking and Enriching Data with Publications across subject-specific Infrastructures - challenges and issues for a multi-disciplinary approach
Najla Rettberg (1); Maarten Hoogerwerf (2); Jochen Schirrwagen (3); Sarah Callaghan (4);
Organizations: 1: state and national library, university of göttingen, Germany; 2: Data Archive and Network Services; 3: University of Bielefeld; 4: Science and Technology Facilities Council - Challenges in building an institutional research data catalogue
Sally Rumsey; Neil Jefferies; Organization: Oxford University, United Kingdom
- Data on Top of Data: policies, practice, and technology
Molly Tamarkin (1); Christine Malina-Maxwell (2) Organizations: 1: Duke University, United States of America; 2: University of Texas, Dallas
- SEAD Virtual Archive: Building a Federation of Institutional Repositories for Long Term Data Preservation
Beth Plale(1,5); Praveen Kumar (2); Jim Myers (3); Margaret Hedstrom (4); Robert McDonald (5,6); Stacy Konkiel (6); Kavitha Chandrasekar (5) Organizations: 1: School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University, United States of America; 2: Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois, United States of America; 3: Computational Center for Nanotechnology Innovations, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, United States of America; 4: School of Information, University of Michigan, United States of America; 5: Data to Insight Center, Indiana University, United States of America; 6: IU Libraries, Indiana University, United States of America
- A Maturing Process of Engagement: raising data capabilities in UK higher education
Graham Pryor; Organization: DCC, United Kingdom
- Towards a Unified University Infrastructure: The Data Management Roll-out at the University of Oxford
James Wilson; Organization: University of Oxford, United Kingdom
- Data Management Practice in Australia – the ANDS perspective
David Groenewegen; Andrew Treloar; Organization: Australian National Data Service, Australia
- Creating a Reseach Data Management Service
Thomas Parsons, William Thomas; Laurian Williamson; Bill Hubbard;
Organization: The University of Nottingham, United Kingdom - The Problematic Future of Research Data Management: Challenges, Opportunities, and Emerging Patterns Identified by the DataRes Project
Martin Halbert; Organization: University of North Texas, United States of America
- The Product and System Specificities of Measuring Impact: Indicators of Use in Research Data Archives
Nicholas Matthew Weber (1); Andrea K. Thomer (1); Matthew S. Mayernik (2); Robert E. Dattore (3);Zaihua Ji (3); Steven Worley (3)
Organizations: 1: University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign, Center for Informatics Research in Science and Scholarship.; 2: National Center for Atmospheric Research- Library; 3: National Center for Atmospheric Research - CISL / RDA - Research Data Management Education for Future Curators<
Mark Scott; Richard Boardman; Philippa Reed; Simon Cox;
Organization: University of Southampton - Pinning It Down: towards a practical definition of ‘Research Data’ for Creative Arts Institutions
Martin Donnelly (1); Marieke Guy (2); Laura Molloy (3); Organizations: 1: University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom; 2: University of Bath, United Kingdom; 3: University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
- EUDAT: A New Cross-Disciplinary Data Infrastructure For Science
Damien Lecarpentier (1); Peter Wittenburg (2); Willem Elbers (2); Alberto Michelini (3); Riasm Kanso (4); Peter Coveney (4); Organizations: 1: CSC - IT center for Science, Finland; 2: Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, The Netherlands; 3: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Italy; 4: University College of London, UK
- Can Data Sharing Prevent Data Fraud?
Peter Doorn; René van Horik; Ingrid Dillo; Organization: Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
- Data-intelligence training for support staff
Madeleine de Smaele (1); Jeroen Rombouts (1); Alenka Princic (1); Marina Noordegraaf (2): Organizations: 1: The TU Delft Library, Netherlands ; 2: Verbeeldingskr8
- The CLARIN-NL Data Curation Service: Bringing Data to the Foreground
Nelleke Oostdijk ; Henk van den Heuvel; Maaske Treurniet; Organization: CLS/CLST, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- The GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences: A widely recognised data archive on its way
Natascha Schumann; Reiner Mauer; Organization: GESIS Leibniz Institut for the Social Sciences, Germany