Because good research needs good data


Monday 1 December

Morning Workshops

DCC Curation Lifecycle Model Workshop Venue: Hilton Edinburgh Grosvenor Hotel (£25.00 for Associates Network members; £50.00 for non members)

This workshop aims to introduce professionals charged with planning preservation and curation activities on the use of a lifecycle methodology.

Participants will learn how to use, and customise, the DCC Curation Lifecycle Model to help define and develop curation or preservation workflows and activities within their organisation or consortium. The workshop will explain how to use the model to build granular functionality, to define roles and responsibilities, and build an implementable framework of standards and technologies. The use of relevant standards such as OAIS (ISO 14721:2003 Space data and information transfer systems — Open archival information system — Reference model) and ISO15489 (Information and documentation. Records management) will be introduced.

The workshop will also explain how the DCC envisages using the model to contextualise a range of DCC and external resources to reflect, as accurately as possible, actual working practice.

09.00-09.30 Registration
09.30-11.00 Introduction to the DCC Curation Lifecycle Model
11.00-11.15 Coffee
11.15-12.30 Curation planning using the DCC Curation Lifecycle Model and practical exercise
12.30 Close

Download Curation Lifecycle Model presentation [PPT, 10.6MB] Download Curation Lifecycle Model Project presentation [PPT, 2.56MB]


Data Audit Framework Workshop Venue: National e-Science Centre (£25.00 for Associates Network members; £50.00 for non members)

This workshop aims to introduce participants to the Data Audit Framework (DAF) toolkit.

If institutions are to realise the full potential value of their data through its reuse, they must be able to establish quickly and easily an overview of holdings and the policies and practices in place to manage them. Participants will learn how to use the DAF toolkit to identify, locate, describe and assess the management of their digital research assets. DAF combines a set of methods with an online tool to enable data auditors to gather this information. DAF aims to help ensure research data produced in UK Higher Education Institutions is preserved and remains accessible in the long term.

09.00-09.30 Registration
09.30-10.00 Overview of Data Audit Framework
10.00-10.30 Lessons learned from implementations
10.30-10.45 Coffee
10.45-11.00 Introduction to tool and practical exercise
11.00-12.00 Practical session using the online tool
12.00-12.30 Feedback/discussion/next steps for those using DAF
12.30 Close

DCC Curation Tools Workshop Venue: National e-Science Centre (£25.00 for Associates Network members; £50.00 for non members)

This workshop will introduce the concept of digital curation and take participants through a demonstration of some of the curation tools that have been developed by the DCC. The purpose of the workshop is to discuss threats to digitally encoded information, illustrate the need for effective curation of data, introduce curation concepts, describe the curation process, demonstrate some of the curation tools, and outline the benefits of curation for researchers.

Afternoon Workshops

12.30 (lunch) 13.30-16.30

Joint DCC and DPC Workshop: OAIS 5 Year Review — Follow Up Venue: Hilton Edinburgh Grosvenor Hotel Participation is free, includes lunch, but is by invitation only. However, if you would like to register your interest then please e-mail our event organiser

A joint meeting of DCC Associates Network members and members of the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) was held on 13 October 2006 to prepare a joint report for the 5 year review of the Open Archival Information System (OAIS) Standard. The resulting report, "OAIS Five-year review Recommendations for update", was submitted to the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS), Data Archiving and Ingest Working Group in October 2006. Comment on this report was received in September 2008.

This follow-up workshop will provide an opportunity for the original contributors to review and contribute feedback to the CCSDS' response for inclusion in the revised draft of the full OAIS Reference Model. This is expected to be available in January 2009 with a period for further comment before submission to ISO for full review. This workshop is intended for original participants. Places are limited to 25, and will be by invitation only. OAIS Five-year review Recommendations for update.


DRAMBORA Interactive Workshop Venue: National e-Science Centre (£25.00 for Associates Network members; £50.00 for non members)

This workshop aims to introduce repository mangers and administrators to the Digital Repository Audit Method Based on Risk Assessment (DRAMBORA) Interactive toolkit and the concepts of risk assessment and risk management.

Within DRAMBORA, digital curation is characterised as a risk-management activity; the job of digital curator is to rationalise the uncertainties and threats that inhibit efforts to maintain digital object authenticity and understandability, transforming them into manageable risks. The DRAMBORA toolkit has already been used by a wide range of organisations. Building on the experience learned from these initial audits, the DCC and DPE have developed an interactive online version of the toolkit. DRAMBORA Interactive facilitates internal self-audit by providing repository administrators with a means to assess their capabilities and identify their weaknesses.


Repository Curation Service Environments (RECURSE) Workshop Venue: National e-Science Centre (£25.00 for Associates Network members; £50.00 for non members)

This workshop, jointly supported by OGF-Europe and DReSNET, aims to address the specific requirements for Digital Repository curation service environments.

Digital repositories have evolved from institutional to trusted repositories for publications as well as primary data, shifting from a bespoke software tool towards a generic framework accommodating various contexts and requirements. As repositories become part and parcel of e-Science environments in all disciplines, individual repositories are converging both technologically and organisationally into federations of multiple repositories, often offering external services for tasks such as print-on-demand and preservation (e.g. PLANETS, PRESERV), and out-sourcing storage (e.g. Fedorazon).

This RECURSE workshop will focus on highlighting application environments where both e-Science and repositories have much to gain, coupled with the benefits of open standards.

Discussion points: benefits of digital curation for e-Science and user requirements; interoperability of technologies; workflow integration; views of long-term digital curation; benefits to user communities of the adoption of Distributed computing.

13.30-13.45 Introduction
13.45-15.00 Presentations and discussion
15.00-15.15 Coffee
15.15-16.00 Presentations
16.00-16.30 Panel
16.30 Close
Evening Event
18.00-20.00 Pre-Conference Drinks Reception Our Dynamic Earth Welcome Address Prof. Jeff Haywood, Vice Principal for Knowledge Management and Chief Information Officer (University of Edinburgh)

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Tuesday 2 December

Day 1 Radical Sharing: Transforming Science?
07.30-09.00 Conference Registration and Coffee
09.00-09.15 Welcome Chris Rusbridge, DCC Director Prof. Peter Clarke, Director (NeSC)

Keynote Address Prof. David Porteous (University of Edinburgh, Chair of Human Molecular Genetics & Medicine/Generation Scotland) Download presentation [PPT, 4.62MB]

Chair: Chris Rusbridge, DCC Director

10.15-10.45 Coffee

Radical Sharing: Transforming Science?

10.45-11.15 "The iPlant Collaborative: a Cyberinfrastructure-Centered Community for a New Plant Biology" Steve Goff, Associate Director (The iPlant Collaborative, Plant Sciences, University of Arizona) Download presentation [PPT, 2.36MB]

11.15-11.45 "My Collaborators and Other Animals - Observations on the Socioeconomics of Data Sharing from the CARMEN Project" Alastair Knowles, Project Manager, CARMEN (Code Analysis, Repository and Modelling for e-Neuroscience) Download presentation [PPT, 1.28MB]

11.45-12.15 "Open Notebook Science: How radical sharing has the potential to transform science, why it isn't already, and how we can make it happen" Dr. Cameron Neylon, Senior Scientist, Biomolecular Sciences (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratories) Download presentation [PPT, 32.8MB]

12.15-12.30 Discussion Panel

Chair: Dr. Robert S. Chen, CODATA Secretary General and Director of CIESIN at Columbia University


Minute Madness: Poster Session Download presentation [PPT, 13.7MB]

Chair: Chris Rusbridge, DCC Director

13.00-14.00 Lunch

Sustainability of Curation

14.00-14.25 "Costing Metadata for Curation" Dr. Bryan Lawrence, Director, (STFC Centre for Environmental Data Archival) Download presentation [PPT, 2.73MB]

14.25-14.45 "Keeping Research Data Safe: the JISC research data preservation costs study" Neil Beagrie, Director (Charles Beagrie Ltd.) Download presentation [PPT, 283KB]

14.45-15.05 "Sustainable Digital Preservation and Access" Brian Lavoie, Co-Chair (Blue Ribbon Task Force on Sustainable Digital Preservation & Access) Download presentation [PPT, 461KB]

15.05-15.30 Discussion Panel

Chair: Joyce Ray, Associate Deputy Director for Library Services Institute of Museum & Library Services

15.30-16.00 Afternoon Tea

"The Control Fallacy: How Radical Sharing Out-Innovates The Alternative" John Wilbanks, Vice President (Science Commons) Abstract Download presentation [PDF, 10.6MB]

Talk (16.00-16.30) followed by discussion (16.30-17.30)

Chair: Dr. Liz Lyon, DCC Associate Director (Community Development)

19.30 Conference Dinner (Edinburgh Castle)

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Wednesday 3 December

Day 2 Research Papers
08.00-08.30 Coffee
08.30-08.40 Welcome Prof. David De Roure, School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton

Keynote Address "University Libraries in the UK Data Curation Landscape" (working title) Martin Lewis, Director of Library Services & University Librarian, University of Sheffield Download presentation [PPT, 28.1MB]

Chair: Prof. David De Roure, School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton


Best Peer-Reviewed Paper "Strategies for the Curation of CAD Engineering Models" Presented by Manjula Patel (DCC and UKOLN, University of Bath) and Alexander Ball (UKOLN, University of Bath) Download presentation [PPT, 3.43MB]

Introduction/Chair/Award: Cliff Lynch, Executive Director (CNI)

10.10-10.30 Coffee

Paper Presentations

Session 1

Parallel A Theme: Curation in Practice (2 hours 15 minutes)

10.30-11.00 "The Publication of Research Data: researcher attitudes and behaviour" Presented by Aaron Griffiths (Research Information Network) Download presentation [PPT, 465KB]

11.00-11.30 "UK Government Web Continuity: Persisting access through aligning infrastructures" Presented by Amanda Spencer and John Sheridan (The National Archives UK) Download presentation [PPT, 1.52MB]

11.30-12.00 "An Institutional Framework for Creating Authentic Digital Objects" Presented by Ronald Jantz (Rutgers University Libraries) Download presentation [PPT, 354KB]

12.00-12.30 "Data Curation in Climate and Weather" Presented by Joseph Comeaux (National Science Foundation & National Center for Atmospheric Research) Download presentation [PPT, 11.2MB]

12.30-12.45 "Curating Architectural 3D CAD Models" Presented by MacKenzie Smith (MIT Libraries) Download presentation [PPT, 4.74MB]

Chair: Melissa Cragin (Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Parallel B Theme: Metadata & Standards (2 hours)

10.30-11.00 "One for Many. A Metadata Concept for Mixed Digital Content at a State Archive" Presented by Kai Naumann (State Archive of Baden-Wurttemberg) Download presentation [PPT, 10.1MB]

11.00-11.30 "A Compound Object Authoring & Publishing Tool for Literary Scholars based on IFLA-FRBR" Presented by Jane Hunter (University of Queensland)

11.30-12.00 "Embedding metadata and other semantics in word processing documents" Presented by Jim Downing (Unilever Centre for Molecular Science Informatics, University of Cambridge) Download presentation [PPT, 5.91MB]

12.00-12.30 "The eXtensible Access Method (XAM) Standard" Presented by Paul McKeown (EMC Corporation) Download presentation [PPT, 1.29MB]

Chair: Dave Berry, Head of Development Services, Applications Division, University of Edinburgh

12.45-13.45 Lunch

Paper Presentations

Session 2

Parallel A Theme: Infrastructure (2 hours)

13.45-14.15 "Comparison of Strategies and Policies for Building Distributed Digital Preservation Infrastructure: Initial Findings from the MetaArchive Cooperative" Presented by Martin Halbert (Emory University) Download presentation [PPT, 1.38MB]

14.15-14.45 "Preservation Is Not a Place" Presented by Stephen Abrams (California Digital Library) Download presentation [PPT, 270KB]

14.45-15.15 "ARCHER - e-Research Tools for Research Data Management" Presented by Anthony Beitz (ARCHER) Download presentation [PPT, 10.5MB]

15.15-15.45 "Design and Implementation of the Australian National Data Service" Presented by Andrew Treloar (Monash University) Download presentation [PPT, 1.28MB]

Chair: Lee Dirks, Director (Education & Scholarly Communication, Microsoft Corporation)

Parallel B Theme: Lifecycle & Models (1 hour 45 minutes)

13.45-14.15 "Data Stewardship: Environmental Data Curation and a Web-of-Repositories" Presented by Karen S Baker and Lynn Yarmey (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego) Download presentation [PDF, 18.2MB]

14.15-14.45 "Relay-supporting Archives: Requirements and Progress" Presented by James Frew (University of California, Santa Barbara) Download presentation [PDF, 295KB]

14.45-15.15 "DCC&U: An Extended Digital Curation Lifecycle Model" Presented by Panos Constantopoulos (Digital Curation Unit, Athena Research Centre) Download presentation [PDF, 1.45MB]

15.15-15.30 "DIFFUSE Standards Frameworks: A Standards Path through the Curation Lifecycle" Presented by Sarah Higgins (Digital Curation Centre) Download presentation [PPT, 1.56MB]

Chair: Frances Boyle, Executive Director (Digital Preservation Coalition)


Closing Address Prof. Malcolm Atkinson, Director of the National e-Science Institute and e-Science Envoy Download presentation [PPT, 9.89MB]

Chair: Chris Rusbridge, DCC Director Download mind map [PDF, 19.8KB]

16.30 Tea

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