Because good research needs good data



EDMED Metadata Profile

The European Directory of Marine Environmental Datasets metadata scheme, which is a profile of ISO 19115.

An Open Geospatial Consortium Encoding Standard for the representation of hydrological observations data with a specific focus on time series structures.

Use Cases

CEOS International Directory Network

An international effort headed by the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites developed to assist users in locating Earth science data sets, data services, and visualizations using DIF metadata.

Global Change Master Directory

The GCMD uses DIF metadata to promote the discovery, access, and use of Earth science data and data-related services worldwide, parcitularly focusing on NASA data.

Metadata standards

DIF - Directory Interchange Format

An early metadata initiative from the Earth sciences community, intended for the description of scientific data sets. It inlcudes elements focusing on instruments that capture data, temporal and spatial characteristics of the data, and projects with which the dataset is associated.

Repository-Developed Metadata Schemas

Some repositories have decided that current standards do not fit their metadata needs, and so have created their own requirements.