Because good research needs good data



PDBx/mmCIF Software Resources

Parsing, validation, and visualization tools and libraries supporting PDBx/mmCIF, the data standard used by the Worldwide Protein Data Bank.

Software for CIF

The International Union of Crystallography's list of programs and libraries available for use with CIF files.

SOS -Sensor Observation Service

This tool uses the Observations and Measurements standard to define a Web service interface which allows querying observations, sensor metadata, as well as representations of observed features.

Use Cases

American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

A CIF crystal structure database that includes every structure published in the American Mineralogist, The Canadian Mineralogist, European Journal of Mineralogy and Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, as well as selected datasets from other journals.

Cambridge Structural Database

A repository of small molecule crystal structures, many with accompanying CIF files.


A Web-based service for searching for and visualizing chemical structures. It uses data from the Protein Data Bank that has been transformed to RDF.

Worldwide Protein Data Bank

The Protein Data Bank archive (PDB) is a worldwide archival repository of information about the 3D structures of proteins, nucleic acids, and complex assemblies. The Worldwide PDB (wwPDB) organization manages the PDB archive and ensures that the PDB is freely and publicly available to the global community.

Metadata standards


NeXus is an international standard for the storage and exchange of neutron, x-ray, and muon experiment data.

Observations and Measurements

This standard specifies an XML implementation for the OGC and ISO Observations and Measurements (O&M) conceptual model, including a schema for Sampling Features.

PDBx/mmCIF – Protein Data Bank Exchange Dictionary and the Macromolecular Crystallographic Information Framework

PDBx/mmCIF is the standard archive format used by the Protein Data Bank (PDB). It provides both metadata and data according to properties defined in the PDB Exchange Dictionary and the Macromolecular Crystallographic Information Framework (mmCIF).