- Apple Core
Darwin Core documentation and recommendations for herbaria.
- DwC Germplasm
An extension to the Darwin Core standard, it includes additional terms required to describe plant genetic resources and in particular germplasm seed samples.
- GBIF Metadata Profile
Established by a global network of countries and organizations, GBIF is a web portal promoting and facilitating the mobilization, access, discovery and use of biodiversity data. The portal uses a profile of EML; a How-to Guide and Reference Guide for using the profile are available.
- Darwin Core Archive Assistant
A web application that offers data publishers wishing to serve to the GBIF network an easy interface for describing data elements as basic text files, composing an appropriate XML Darwin Core descriptor file to accompany them.
- Darwin Core Archive Validator
A tool to validate XML metadata against the Darwin Core Text Guidelines.
- Integrated Publishing Toolkit
A software platform using Darwin Core and EML to facilitate the efficient publishing of biodiversity data on the Internet, using the GBIF network.
Use Cases
- Atlas of Living Australia
An aggregation of information on all the known species in Australia, collected from museums, herbaria, community groups, government departments, individuals and universities. All data is converted to Darwin Core.
- GBIF - Global Biodiversity Information Facility
Established by a global network of countries and organizations, GBIF is a web portal promoting and facilitating the mobilization, access, discovery and use of biodiversity data. The preferred format for publishing data to the GBIF network is the Darwin Core Archive, and its Integrated Publishing Toolkit uses EML as its data standard.
- Rebioma
A web portal using Darwin Core to describe biodiversity data collected in Madagascar.
- UK Polar Data Centre
An organisation coordinating the management of data collected by UK-funded scientists in the polar regions, using an application profile that is harmonious with both ISO 19115 and DIF.