Because good research needs good data

Status message


Warning message

Just to let you know, we are no longer updating this section.
This is retained as a resource but nothing new has been added since late 2009. No further additions will be made by the DCC.


Expanded name

Canadian Library Association/Association Canadienne des Bibliothèques

Date of establishment


URL [external]


The objective of the CLA/ACB is to to build the Canadian library and information community while advancing the information professionals who form its membership.

Areas of Activity


  • Advocates on funding and public policy to the federal government of Canada
  • Undertakes public relations for the library profession
  • Supports library professionals through interest and divisional committees and task forces
  • Presents awards and scholarships to further the library profession
  • Works with library educators to support qualifying and recently qualified professionals.


Membership of the CLA/ACB is by subscription and has both institutional and personal members. Participation is through membership of library division types and interest groups.