Because good research needs good data

Status message


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Just to let you know, we are no longer updating this section.
This is retained as a resource but nothing new has been added since late 2009. No further additions will be made by the DCC.


Expanded name

Open Archives Initiative

Date of establishment


URL [external]


The aim of the Open Archives Initiative is to develop and promote interoperability that will in turn improve the distribution of content. It emerged from an endeavour to enhance access to e-print archives in order to encourage and facilitate scholarly interaction, this remains one of its main objectives. Expressed as an organisation in flux due to its dedication to exploring new applications, relevant standards and technological frameworks and the use of them in different communities disregarding diversity of content, it is made explicit that the organisation expects to amend both the mission and organisation of the initiative as it grows and develops.\\r\\n

Areas of Activity

The OAI works in the areas of:

  • Interoperability of standards and applications
  • Open and free access to resources


This is a non-membership organisation.