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Standards, IMO, LAC
Expanded name
Standards, Intellectual Management Office, Library and Archives Canada
Date of establishment
URL [external]
The Intellectual Management Office (IMO) of Library and Archives Canada (LAC) supports innovation in the description and intellectual management of library and archival holdings as well as developing and maintaining standards, policies and guidelines in collaboration with national and international standards-setting bodies.
The Standards office within IMO develops and supports national and international library and archival standards, in particular the MARC 21 formats.
Areas of Activity
Standards, IMO, LAC is responsible for:
- Maintaining the MARC 21 formats in cooperation with the Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress, and the National Bibliographic Service, British Library.
- Translating the MARC 21 formats (bibliographic, authority, holdings, community information, classification) into French.
- Publishing and distributing English and French MARC 21 formats to Canadian clients.
- Participating in the development of Resource Description and Access (RDA), the working title for the current revision of the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules.
- Developing and maintaining the Canadian Subject Headings.
- Contributing to the International Council of Archives (ICA) and International Federation of Library Associations and institutions (IFLA) standards development activities.
The office also provides the permanent Secretariat for the following committees: -
- ISO TC46/SC9 (Presentation, identification and description of documents)
- Canadian Advisory Committee for ISO/TC46.
- Canadian Committee on Cataloguing (CCC), a national advisory committee on matters of cataloguing and bibliographic control. CCC advises LAC on cataloguing matters and represents Canada at the Joint Steering Committee for the revision of Anglo-American cataloguing rules and the development of Resource Description and Access (RDA).
- Canadian Committee on MARC (CCM), a national advisory committee on MARC formats and related national and international standards for the representation in machine-readable form of bibliographic information. CCM advises and supports LAC in its role on the MARC Advisory Committee and as a co-producer of the MARC 21 formats.
This is a non-membership organisation.
Standards Sponsored
- MAchine-Readable Cataloguing