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Bibliographic Development Department, BL
Expanded name
Bibliographic Development Department at the British Library
Date of establishment
URL [external]
The British Library\'s Bibliographic Development department coordinates the Library\'s bibliographic activities: metadata, standards, systems and policy. It supports the efficient delivery of a range of resource discovery services and bibliographic products.
By overseeing the British Library\'s contribution to international bibliographic, metadata and related standards development the department seeks to improve the interoperability of bibliographic data and systems.
Areas of Activity
The department provides data for a range of bibliographic products and services including the British National Bibliography. As such it specialises in the transformation of bibliographic data for supply to a variety of customers under licence. It also plays an active role in the development and maintenance of both traditional and emergent library information standards, including: -
- AACR2 and Resource Description and Access (RDA), the working title for the new edition of AACR.
- International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD),the specification for description and identification of information resources
- MARC 21 machine-readable exchange formats for bibliographic information
- International Standards Serial Number (ISSN), the internationally accepted code to identify serial publications
- NACO, the name authority component of the Program for Cooperative Cataloguing (PCC) and wider development of international standards in authority control
- New digital resource standards such as Dublin Core and MODS
This is a non-membership organisation.