- ProteoRed Tools
Bioinformatics tools to create and extract metadata compliant with the MIBBI-registered MIAPE minimum requirements.
Use Cases
- FlowRepository
A database of flow cytometry experiments where you can query and download data collected and annotated according to the MIBBI-registered MIFlowCyt standard.
- International Molecular Exchange Consortium
An international collaboration to provide access to a non-redundant set of protein-protein interaction data from a broad taxonomic range of organisms. IMEx partner databases require data to be MIMIx (a MIBBI-registered standard) compatible.
- NEBC ISA Network BioInvestigationIndex
The NERC Environmental Bioinformatics Centre ISA Network's index of ISA-Tab and MIBBI-compliant environmental 'omics data.
- PRIDE - PRoteomics IDEntifications database
A centralized, MIBBI standards compliant, public data repository for proteomics data, post-translational modifications and supporting spectral evidence.
Metadata standards
- MIBBI - Minimum Information for Biological and Biomedical Investigations
A common portal to a group of checklists of Minimum Information in nearly 40 biological disciplines.