Because good research needs good data

Sarah Jones remembered

Kevin Ashley | 07 December 2023


We are shocked and saddened by the news of the untimely death of Sarah Jones. Sarah was part of the DCC from its inception until her move to GÉANT in July 2020. We continued to collaborate, most recently through her involvement with the programme committee for IDCC24. Sarah contributed in-depth knowledge, enthusiasm, and an ability to get things done to every area of our work. She brought people together, created collaborations and made the most difficult of tasks fun. She was also a good friend and counsel to many of us. Our Director wrote of her many qualities when announcing her move to GÉANT; her own statement about the move says much about her and what we loved about her.

Sarah was a force for good in whatever she did and a joy to work with. Many of the DCC community will have first-hand knowledge of this and will share in and understand the sense of loss we are feeling. We extend our deepest condolences to her family.

Her colleagues at GÉANT have produced a memorial page for her, as has have colleagues at RDA where she was most recently a member of Council. We shall remember a unique colleague, friend and supporter who brought so much to so many people.