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Accepted Submissions
Paper Parallel Session 1
A: Managing DMPs and Data Stewards
A1 - DMPs as Management Tool for Intellectual Assets by SMART approach, Federico Grasso Toro
Abstract: This paper emphasises the importance of robust Data Management Plans (DMPs) in contemporary research, not just for regulatory compliance but as powerful tools in managing various intellectual assets throughout research projects. It suggests expanding the scope of DMPs to cover all intellectual assets, including publications, datasets, software, patents, and any other digital product derived from research results.
A2 - FAIR Data Implementation at Large-Scale Data Facilities, Angela P. Murillo, Don Brower, Jose Cordova, Sonja Crncevic
Abstract: This paper examines current FAIR data implementation at large-scale data facilities. A 15-question survey was distributed to facility personnel to explore the current status of FAIR implementation, including progress, barriers, non-barriers, and data management practices. As FAIR implementation significantly increases trust and transparency, this research facilitates understanding the current status and needs for robust FAIR implementation.
A3 - KAER: A Knowledge-Augmented Entity Resolution Framework for Enhanced Transparency, Lan Li, Liri Fang, Yiren Liu, Vetle I. Torvik, Bertram Ludäscher
Abstract: An entity resolution framework named KAER is provided: Requires little technical expertise and is accessible to many users. For example, in the case of relational databases, KAER only needs users to input a pair of relational tables, and it performs entity resolution across the column values. Provides transparency through KA-reasoning to explain the decision-making process.
B: Building Trust and Transparency into Research and Curation Techniques, Costs and Workflows
B1 - Factors influencing perceptions of trust in data infrastructures, Katharina Flicker, Bettina Kern, Andreas Rauber
Abstract: We performed two initial studies to determine factors influencing trust, focusing on transparency across a range of elements associated with data, data infrastructures and virtual research environments. We aim to understand which attributes of trust can be applied in the digital world, how they differ, and what additional mechanisms need to be established to support trust in complex socio-technological processes.
B2 - Curation is Communal: Transparency, Trust, and (In)visible Labor, Halle Burns, Sandi Caldrone, Mikala Narlock
Abstract: In this paper, we explore the trust and connectivity among our DCN colleagues from a people-forward perspective, focusing not on accountability, but instead on vulnerability to foster collaboration and respect. We conclude with practical suggestions for implementing trust and transparency in relationships with colleagues and researchers.
B3 - A model for calculating institutional costs for data management and sharing, Cynthia Hudson Vitale, Shawna Taylor, Jacob Carlson, Lizhao Ge, Joel Herndon, Alicia Hofelich Mohr, Lisa Johnston, Wendy Kozlowski, Jennifer Moore, Jon Petters
Abstract: Institutions have made significant investments to support public access to research data requirements; yet have little comparative data about these services, infrastructure, and costs. To address this need, the research team undertook a mixed-methods approach to understand the institution-wide expenses for research data management and sharing. This model is further useful for institutions who provide research data management and sharing.
C: Curation Processes I
C1 - Have Your Cake and Eat It Too: A Case Study in Updated Modular Workflows for a Longitudinal Research Project, Cassia Rochelle Smith
Abstract: A case study showcasing one modular approach to data cleaning, and reflecting on important factors to consider when updating it to meet team needs while still contributing to data transparency.
C2 - Transparent Disclosure, Curation & Preservation of Dynamic Digital Resources, Deirdre Lungley, Darren Bell, Hervé L’Hours
Abstract: Our Data Product Builder application builds on rich metadata and modern computational power and here we explore the curation, preservation and disclosure assessment of its dynamically generated digital resources. Such an application can improve the transparency of the data curation lifecycle and hence boost the trust placed in us by depositors and researchers, in addition to better meeting their needs.
C3 - Reproducible and Attributable Materials Science Curation Practices: A Case Study, Ye Li, Sara Wilson, Micah Altman
Abstract: In this research, we conduct a case study of a leading MSE research lab to characterize the limits of current curation practice concerning replicability, data-sharing, and attribution. We systematically reconstruct the workflows underpinning four research projects by combining interviews, document review, and digital forensics. We conclude with recommendations for increasing the trustworthiness and transparency of the material science data curation process.
Paper Parallel Session 2
D: Curation Processes II
D1 - Preserving Secondary Knowledge - Using Language Models for Software Preservation, Klaus Rechert, Rafael Gieschke
Abstract: We investigate how operational knowledge for obsolete software and computer systems can be archived and deployed, and to what degree it can be converted into machine-actionable directives using contemporary large language models (LLMs). We present a proof-of-concept that operates within an emulated software environment via natural language.
D2 - Collaborative Data Cleaning Framework, a Pilot Case Study for Machine Learning Development, Nikolaus Nova Parulian, Bertram Ludäscher
Abstract: This study is experimenting with collaborative data cleaning, a pivotal phase in data preparation for both analysis and machine learning. We use a provenance Data Cleaning Model (DCM) for multi-user scenarios to track changes on a dataset and conduct comprehensive experiments that simulate multiple data curators working collaboratively on a dataset.
D3 - Artificial Intelligence Assisted Curation of Population Groups in Biomedical Literature, Latrice Landry, Mary Lucas, Anietie Andy, Ebelechukwu Nwafor
Abstract: We aim to employ curation assistance for the task of curating biomedical literature for population groups with the help of ChatGPT as an AI curation assistant. We conduct a series of studies which qualitatively and quantitatively evaluate the performance of ChatGPT in curating population information from biomedical literature.
E: Sharing and Discarding
E1 - Reproducible preservation of databases through executable specifications, Thor Kristoffersen, Bjarte M. Østvold, Ivar Rummelhoff
Abstract: We propose a preservation method for relational databases and a corresponding tool. The method involves writing specifications that can later be executed without user interaction. This provides provenance and reproducibility, and it facilitates automation and an iterative preservation process.
E2 - An Exploration of the Functionality and Usability of Open Research Platforms to Support Open Science, Whitney Thompson, Angela P. Murillo
Abstract: This paper examines the user experience and functionality of four Open Research platforms—Zenodo, Figshare, OSF, and Authorea—to assess their utility in disseminating research outputs that are varied in form as well as academic discipline, and in facilitating collaboration on larger projects by multi-institutional groups. The researchers analyzed the platforms’ community features, record creation processes (including metadata fields), and search functionality.
E3 - Starting with the Digital Doesn’t Make it Easier: Developing Transparent Born Digital Acquisition Policies for Archives, Amanda Boczar
Abstract: This paper will analyse the intersections of born digital archiving, collection development polices, donor relations, environmental impacts, and digital records education within American academic libraries to propose a functional toolkit for born digital acquisitions. The paper will reflect on the need to integrate born digital materials into archival acquisition procedures and provide a practical toolkit to meet this need.
F: Turst and Transparency: Standards and Sustainability I
F1 - Event Notifications and Event Logs: Transparent Sharing of Artifact Life Cycle Data, Patrick Hochstenbach, Ruben Verborgh, Herbert Van de Sompel
Abstract: The “Event Notifications in Value-Adding Networks” specification provides an interoperable fabric that can be used in scholarly communication to exchange, in near-real, messages among data nodes that make scholarly artifacts available and service nodes that add (scholarly) value to these artifacts. Event Logs are published notifications that provide full transparency about the artifact's life cycle to the world.
F2 - A new tool to enhance transparency, discoverability, and trust in open infrastructure, Lauren B. Collister, Emmy Tsang
Abstract: This paper describes a new tool built by Invest in Open Infrastructure to help institutional budget holders and libraries make more informed decisions around adoption of and investment in open infrastructure.
F3 - Metrics to Increase Data Usage Understanding and Transparency, James Carson, Maria Esteva, Joshua Freeze, Craig Jansen
Abstract: We introduce analysis of usage metrics used by the DesignSafe Data Depot, a natural hazards data repository. Make Data Count compliant metrics are analyzed in relation to research methods, natural hazard types, and time to learn what is used and why. Results are used for reporting, to inform the user community, and to direct training and marketing strategies.
Paper Parallel Session 3
K: Turst and Transparecny: Standards and Sustainability II
K1 - Closing Gaps: A Model of Cumulative Curation and Preservation Levels for Trustworthy Digital Repositories, Jonas Recker, Mari Kleemola, Hervé L'Hours
Abstract: This paper discusses the benefits of community-agreed levels of curation and preservation, exemplified by the proposed CoreTrustSeal Curation and Preservation Levels, to help close the gap between the need for community-, organisation-, and object-specific approaches to digital curation on one hand, and sufficiently generic descriptions of curation measures to support certification and (self-)assessment for Trustworthy Digital Repositories on the other.
K2 - Adapting FAIR evaluation to photon and neutron facilities, Simon Lambert, Abigail McBirnie. Brian Matthews
Abstract: We consider evaluating the FAIR-ness of data derived from experiments undertaken at Photon and Neutron Research Infrastructures, which have in general well-defined experimental processes, and need to generate reusable results. We discuss developing a FAIR evaluation method based on those processes. We contend that our approach forms an exemplar for other domains of the FAIR evaluation of research processes.
L: Balancing Transparency against Privacy, especially in Health and Sharing of Genomic Data
L1 - Trusted Research Environments: Analysis of Characteristics and Data Availability, Martin Weise, Andreas Rauber
Abstract: Evidence-based research relies on high-quality data from trusted sources. These Trusted Research Environments (TREs) enable analysis of sensitive data under strict security assertions who protect the data with technical, organizational and legal measures from (accidentally) being leaked outside the facility.
L2 - The Transparency of an Honest Data Broker in Providing Electronic Health Record Data Sufficient for Reuse, Devan Ray Donaldson, Grace Gabriella Riordan, Jamie Lian, Titus Schleyer
Abstract: This paper presents findings from interviews with researchers who have had experience with requesting EHR data from the Regenstrief Institute Data Core (RDC), an HDB with data analysts who provide authorised access to EHR data of nearly 25 million patients in the state of Indiana. Our participants wanted greater transparency when they had questions about the datasets they received.
M: Curation Processes III
M1 - Bridging the Gap Between Process and Procedural Provenance for Statistical Data, George C. Alter, Jack Gager, Jeremy Iverson, Bertram Ludäscher, Timothy McPhillips, Thomas Thelen Dan Smith
Abstract: Structured Data Transformation History (SDTH) is an RDF schema for describing and querying programs that modify statistical data. SDTH answers questions about data provenance, such as "What computed variables were affected by values of variable X?" SDTH bridges a gap between programming languages and the W3C PROV data model.
M2 - Resolving Conflicts in Data Through Curation-informed Weight Distribution Networks, Maria Esteva, Nevan Simone
Abstract: We introduce Curation-informed Weight Distribution Network (CiWDN), an automated method to resolve differences between conflicting data values in integrated datasets. CiWDN adapts the PageRank algorithm, augmented by curation best practices: completeness, coincidence, and consistency, as metrics of collections’ reliability. We demonstrate CiWDN using ASTRIAGraph, a knowledge system studying Earth’s orbital environment. CiWDN can be generalized to multiple data driven applications.
M3 - Reconciling Conflicting Data Curation Actions: Transparency Through Argumentation, Bertram Ludaescher, Shawn Bowers, Yilin Xia
Abstract: We propose to automatically reconcile conflicting data cleaning actions, which naturally arise in collaborative data curation settings. The key idea is to model conflicting updates as a formal argumentation framework that can be automatically analyzed, yielding a transparent solution in which conflicting updates are accepted, rejected, or flagged for human resolution, depending on which actions are "most justified".
Lightning Talks
Lightning Talks Session 1
H: Balancing, Building and Acquiring Trust
H1 - The data curation reading club as competence and trust builder, Mari Elisa Kuusniemi, Marja Moisio
Abstract: We will tell you how we established a reading club to increase competence on data curation and build team spirit in a case where we got three new employees at once.
H2 - Transparency and trust in people: The Influence of Cognitive Thinking on Trust, Irina Schmid
Abstract: The talk will present cognitive thinking and human intelligence as building blocks for trust and transparency. Using cognitive thinking and human intelligence creates a positive culture at work, builds trust between employees, and boosts confidence in the data’s trustworthiness. To achieve it wholly, it is essential to embrace cognitive restructuring, fostering a mindset that seeks logical and positive work norms and welcomes accountability.
H3 - In sharing we trust. Taking advantage of a diverse consortium to build a transparent data service in Catalonia, Clara Llebot, Mireia Alcalá, Lluís M. Anglada i de Ferrer
Abstract: Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC) is a consortium serving universities and research centers in Catalonia. We will explain how a consortium is a helpful structure to build transparent procedures related to the offering of data services. We will discuss two examples in detail: development of guides for writing DMPs, and collaborative writing of data repository policies.
H4 - Monitoring for data access statements and open data at the University of St Andrews, Federica Fina, Haley Eckel, Panagiota Spanou, Jackie Proven
Abstract: We present how, at the University of St Andrews, we monitor for data access statements in publications and the availability of the underpinning data. We also discuss how we use this process to promote good practice.
H5 - Using Metadata to Promote Transparency in Health Research: Creating the COVID Measures Archive at ICPSR, Megan Chenoweth, John Kubale
Abstract: ICPSR recently launched the COVID measures archive, a new repository aimed at offering transparency into social, behavioral, and economic studies of the COVID-19 pandemic when data cannot be shared openly. This lightning talk will demonstrate its features, show how it can be used to foster transparency and consistency across studies, and highlight some of the data and metadata found there.
I: Work on Automating Curation Processes
I1 - The UK Research Identifier National Coordinating Committee, Neil Jefferies, Jez Cope, Chris Brown Liz Bal
Abstract: This presentation will introduce the UK Research Identifier National Coordinating Committee and then outline some PID-related developments in the UK. In particular, reports looking at the benefits of PID’s use in terms of streamlining research administration, reporting, and transparency through metadata reuse. It will also outline current activities looking to develop the national PID ecosystem.
I2 - Curation of dataset publication is support, not just about control, Dieuwertje Bloemen, Özgür Karadeniz, Marleen Marynissen
Abstract: The main aim of a review phase in repositories is typically to have some quality control on the FAIRness of the data. However, just as important is how you can ensure that researchers are fully informed and supported in their efforts to publish their data. By automating part of the quality control, we can focus more on our support efforts.
I3 - Development of a User-friendly Application to Support Long-term Digital Preservation Using Archivematica, Satoru Nakamura, Boyoung Kim, Yasuyuki Minamiyama
Abstract: In this study, we focused on the challenges related to the long-term preservation of digital data and developed a simplified operation application based on Archivematica. There are barriers to its use, such as the need for specialized knowledge and its complex settings and customization. To address these challenges, we developed an application that automatically complements the complex settings and customization aspects of Archivematica.
I4 - Data Management Perspectives from a Leading European Plant Research Institute, Elena Rey Mazón, Daniel Arend, Danuta Schüler, Matthias Lange
Abstract: The Bioinformatics and Information Technology group at the IPK supports researchers through the Research Data Life Cycle to make data FAIR. Providing data stewardship services for effective data organization, emphasizing metadata acquisition and documentation. The presentation discusses the current status of IPK's research data management, the challenges they are addressing, and proposed solutions to enhance research quality at the institute.
I5 - Creating the Slovak Music Register for Coordinating Private and Public Data Infrastructure, Daniel Antal
Abstract: The planned data coordination will enable the Digital Music Observatory prototype to provide a comprehensive and unbiased view of creators, music works or recordings, or their financial, environmental, and social impact data with the connection of global privately-held and public data infrastructure. We are prototyping it in Slovakia.
J: Transparency
J1 - Understanding mistrust and distrust in public data infrastructures, Laura Rothfritz
Abstract: This lightning talk discusses ongoing doctoral research on mistrust and distrust in public data infrastructures, emphasizing their impact in politically uncertain contexts. It suggests that instead of focusing on trust and trustworthiness research on distrust in data infrastructures is needed and beneficial to the community.
J2 - FAIROS Program of the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), Martin Halbert, Plato Smith
Abstract: The lightning talk will provide an overview of Findable Accessible Interoperable Reusable Open Science Research Coordination Networks (FAIROS RCN) program, highlight select awardees, and discuss how FAIROS goals, projects, and strategies support open science to the broader digital curation community.
J3 - Researchers and research data: challenges in improving and incentivising sharing and archiving, Minna Ventsel
Abstract: Discussing the challenges in data sharing along with solutions where institutes and universities can step in to improve the integrity of research from a data perspective
J4 - Shining a light on data publication practices at Stockholm University, Lisa Olsson, Maria Almbro
Abstract: In Sweden, the aim is to make all research data FAIR and openly available (when possible) by 2026. With 2026 being only two years away, little is still known about the current practices and the state of data publication. This detailed and much-needed overview could assist research support staff in prioritising how to best facilitate data publication going forward.
J5 - Digital Legacy – Who Would you Trust? Duncan Reid, Maria Wolters, Daniel Woods
Abstract: Looking beyond digital photographs, these being difficult and complex for users to curate, this work explores non-photographic assets that users felt emotional attachment and self-reflection with, which may be easier to leave as legacy. We identify concerns around trust and custodianship and look to explore how to empower users to leave their data behind for others that come after.
Lightning Talk Session 2
N: Building Trust and Transparency into Research and Curation Techniques, Costs and Workflows I
N1 - ESRC research data policy in changing landscapes, Paul Allanson, Angela Daly, Awais Elahi, Alistair Geddes, Maeve Malone, Niamh Daeid, Lucille Tetley-Brown
Abstract: Our talk outlines findings from research with stakeholders involved with ESRC-funded research data. We sought views on the design and implementation of the ESRC Data Policy (2018), based on experiences obtained from research data users, depositors, and managers, to determine how the ESRC ought to respond to changes in legal and policy landscapes amid growing importance of new and emerging forms of data.
N2 - Capturing the Cloud: Towards SharePoint Transfer at UK Parliament, Nicole Hartland, Emily Chen, Rosemary Reynolds
Abstract: This lightning talk discusses the development of new processes to transfer information held in SharePoint to UK Parliament's digital repository for long-term preservation. Ensuring the authority and authenticity of information in cloud-based systems was key to this work, allowing us to maintain transparency and build trust in our digital archives.
N3 - To keep, or not to keep? - Creating a guide for responsible data preservation, Matilda Mela, Niina Nurmi, Mikko Mäkelä, Timo Lahtinen, Mari Elisa Kuusniemi
Abstract: There was an imminent need for data preservation instructions in the University, hence we aimed to write a user-friendly guide for our researchers. As a result was created an easy-to-use guide that gives researchers an overview of data preservation.The guide touches on key aspects of research transparency, including proper documentation of data and appropriate preservation for the verification of results.
N4 - Creating, retaining, and sharing embedded digital image metadata, Beth Knazook, Maeve O'Brien, Kathryn Cassidy
Abstract: The Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI) recently revised our workflows for capturing and sharing embedded technical metadata from digitised and born-digital images contributed by member institutions and research projects. This talk will review the results of a membership survey and explain the recommended technical and curatorial steps developed to review and publish embedded image metadata.
N5 - Connecting open data to published articles in the Carolina Digital Repository, Julie Renee Rudder, Rebekah Kati
Abstract: How easy is it to find the publications associated with locally deposited datasets? At UNC-CH Libraries we discovered it was not always easy. In this talk, we will discuss our efforts to improve these links and how we leverage our institution’s open access policy to ensure free access to publications linked to locally held data.
N6 - Digital Preservation DPS—core requirements, Paul Stokes, Karen Colbron
Abstract: Jisc are considering implementing a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for members to use when procuring a Digital Preservation System. This lightning talk briefly covers what a DPS is and the process we’re undergoing to draft and validate a base set of common requirements for Digital Preservation systems requirements with vendors and with potential users of the DPS.
O: Building Trust and Transparency into Research and Curation Techniques, Costs and Worksflows II
O1 - Source of Truth: Supporting Transparency and Accountability with the UCSF Industry Documents Library, Kate Tasker
Abstract: The UCSF Industry Documents Library (IDL) supports transparency and corporate accountability through preservation and open access to millions of previously internal industry documents. It develops partnerships to build digital collections of tobacco, opioid, chemical, drug, food, and fossil fuel industry documents for a broad audience of public health researchers, and balances safeguarding protected data with maximizing open access.
O2 - From curators to trainers; supporting Springer Nature’s research data policy through scalable integrity checks, Hannah Tippet Simpson, Graham Smith
Abstract: The exact role of the data curator varies across organisation, research area, stage of lifecycle. Here we present how Springer Nature's data curators have adapted to become trainers of journal support teams in order to support wide-scale rollout of a standardised data policy, focusing on transparency and integrity through scalable data checks.
O3 - Open-Source Programs Offices (OSPOs): A Pathway for Fostering Trust and Transparency through Software, Golam Sayeed Choudhury
Abstract: This lightning talk will feature how the Carnegie Mellon University open source programs office is addressing trust and transparency in multiple open science areas such as automated science or self-driving laboratories, machine learning and artificial intelligence and security with the goal of identifying potential partners within the DCC network.
O4 - TROV - A Model and Vocabulary for Describing Transparent Research Objects, Timothy M McPhillips, Meng Li, Craig Willis, Lars Vilhuber, Kacper Kowalik, Nikolaus Parulian, Thu-Mai Lewis, Bertram Ludaescher
Abstract: The Transparent Research Object Vocabulary (TROV) provides means to declare a Transparent Research Object (TRO), a set of trustworthy records describing the computations and digital artifacts that yielded research results under the supervision of a Transparent Research System (TRS), thereby establishing research transparency without requiring reproduction of results.
O5 - A Content Development Plan for Datasets at the British Library, Jez Cope
Abstract: As an example of how data curation practices in both Higher Education and Cultural Heritage contexts can be adapted to national libraries, I will give a short overview of the current status of the Datasets CDP, including its scope, principles, planned actions and early progress towards implementation.
P: Trust and Transparency between Universal Standards and Expectations that of context and discipline specific adaptations
P1 - Show Me the Data: Demonstrating Reproducibility in Qualitative Research though Qualibank, Maureen Anne Haaker
Abstract: This lightening talk will give a brief overview of some of the challenges posed by qualitative research in answering calls for reproducible research and present the UK Data Service’s qualitative-specific database, Qualibank, which offers innovative ways to search, browse, and cite qualitative data.
P2 - Curation of Trustworthy Robotics Human Datasets, Maria Esteva, Yao-Cheng Chan, Ryan Gupta, Stephane Hatgis-Kessell, Haresh Karnan, Sadanand Modak Modak, Emily Norman, Arthur K. Zhang
Abstract: A team of curators and interdisciplinary researchers are uncovering and addressing technical and ethical curation challenges of human-robotics datasets. Work includes: building a convergence data model and platform to manage data and metadata from multiple human-robotics studies to enable transdisciplinary research, and establishing curation and disciplinary best practices for publishing the datasets in an institutional repository.
P3 - anaCARE in the UK? Towards a social-justice oriented research data management plan, Holly Ranger
Abstract: Inspired by the Digital Humanities Climate Coalition’s ‘Researcher Guide to Writing a Climate-Justice Oriented [UKRI] Data Management Plan’, the purpose of this lightning talk is to recruit interested community stakeholders, researchers, librarians, and research data managers to map, incorporate, translate, and enhance existing research data ethics guidelines into practical social-justice oriented research data management plan guidance.
P4 - Scaling output tracking through persistent connections, Xiaoli Chen
Abstract: The tracking of research outputs starts from uniquely and persistently identifying the outputs. The open metadata generated through PID registration will map the contour of research activities and increase transparency of the research impact to the wider scholarly community. This lightning talk will introduce how open scholarly infrastructure and FAIR workflows will help funders with output tracking.
P5 - Future Safe Havens in a Data Tempest, Martin Donnelly
Abstract: Developing an institutional Information Security Management System/Data Safe Haven assurance process/Trusted Research Environment/Secure Data Environment landscape in the midst of concurrent explosions in data scale, complexity and ethical considerations.
P6 - The research data management journey of a postgraduate student at the University of St Andrews, Dr Federica Fina, Haley Eckel, Panagiota Spanou, Jackie Proven
Abstract: The submission describes how we embedded research data management in the postgraduate students’ journey. We discuss the requirement to submit a data management plan as part of students’ first-year progress review and the strong encouragement to submit data underpinning their theses. The paper will provide details of the workflows, training and support, statistics on submissions and will discuss lessons learnt.
Big Data Curation Challenges in Administrative Data Investigation, Maira Lima Souza
Abstract: Using administrative data as a research asset needs to overcome its differences. The Center for Data and Knowledge Integration for Health (Cidacs) at Fiocruz Bahia addresses this challenge with a pioneering approach to data curation. By meticulously investigating and enhancing data quality, Cidacs establishes a transparent framework vital for interdisciplinary research and scientific inquiry.
Building the Data Stewardship Profession at UCL, Martin Donnelly, Mahmoud Abdelrazak
Abstract: Advanced Research Computing (ARC) at UCL (University College London) is committed to the professionalisation and security of its staff. Alongside Data Scientists and Research Software Engineers, Data Stewards are one of ARC's core "job families". This poster outlines our services, some of the main projects we're currently involved in, and the secure data governance infrastructure that underpins our work.
Building Trust and Transparency into Finding Aid Auditing, Catherine Jacob
Abstract: This poster presents is the Canadien Centre for Architecture (CCA) Finding Aid Audit project and examines how this project can contribute to organizational transparency and foster trust with the CCA’s audience.
Challenges in Research Documentation: Enhancing Transparency and Reproducibility, Päivi Rauste, Siiri Fuchs
Abstract: Promoting an open and transparent dialogue is essential to improve good practice and the data documentation skills of researchers and data stewards. Understanding the specific requirements of researchers is crucial, as is ensuring that data stewards have the necessary expertise to provide assistance. We brought data stewards and researchers together to open up the dialogue.
Content Profiling Made Easy, Artur Kulmukhametov, Andreas Rauber
Abstract: We present a renewed version of the content profiling tool C3PO offering improved performance and simpler deployability based on a modern software stack.
Creating a FAIR Self-Assessment Checklist for Data Repositories, Lauren Phegley, Lynda Kellam
Abstract: A team from a grant-funded medical repository team contacted Penn Libraries asking for guidance on the extent that their repository was FAIR enabling. After review of literature and tools, a small team developed a self-assessment tool for repository managers regarding FAIR principles. Those discussions and the development of this self-assessment tool helped to develop a more transparent and trustworthy repository.
Curation interfaces for supporting update provenance (a work-in-progress), Vashti Galpin, James Cheney
Abstract: This poster considers the question “what should a graphical user interface (GUI) for a web application include to provide sufficient transparency to a user about data changes that would help them to trust the data”. We draw on our experience in rapid prototyping of web applications for temporal databases and we are looking for feedback and interaction about curation interfaces.
Data privacy, transparency and trust in health-related research, Olga Churakova, Christine Krebs
Abstract: Researchers from the life and human sciences produce numerous of sensitive or highly sensitive data. How can a balance between privacy and transparency for obtaining and using data in clinical research be achieved? We aim to raise awareness for potential issues in research data management and to promote good scientific practices in health-related research to make it trusted and FAIR.
Desirable Characteristics and Trust in Repositories: a cross-institutional comparison, Sarah E. Reiff Conell, Sarah J. Wright
Abstract: The Data Curation Network, a collaboration between academic and general data repositories to share data curator expertise, came together to discuss whether and how well the member institutions’ respective repositories satisfied the desirable characteristics. In this poster, we will unpack three main conclusions about the role of the institution, the people, and the repository infrastructure in making research data FAIR.
Digital Preservation DPS base requirements, Paul Stokes, Karen Colbron
Abstract: Jisc are considering implementing a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for members to use when procuring a Digital Preservation System. This poster briefly covers what a DPS is and the process we’re undergoing to draft and validate a base set of common requirements for Digital Preservation systems requirements with vendors and with potential users of the DPS.
DMP Process at the University of Helsinki, Soile Manninen, Tuija Korhonen
Abstract: In 2020, the Research Council of Finland changed its DMP submission procedure. The DMP must be submitted within 8 weeks after the positive funding decision. We present the the DMP process at the University of Helsinki: what kind of procedure and guidance does the DMP team follow when there are +100 DMPs to check in 2.5 months?
Embedding Data Ethics in the Institute for Geospatial Understanding Through an Integrative Discovery Environment (I-GUIDE), Peter T. Darch, Ivan Kong, Kyra Abrams
Abstract: This poster presents our work embedding data ethics in the Institute for Geospatial Understanding through an Integrative Discovery Environment (I-GUIDE). I-GUIDE is building an AI platform for researchers to analyse geospatial datasets and influence government and industry decision-makers. We present two projects: 1) understanding model bias to enhance transparency and accountability; 2) studying how to support in researchers' ethical practices.
Engaging researchers to document and share research activities at Ghent University, Laura Standaert, Open Science team
Abstract: Encouraging researchers to document their research activities is crucial. At Ghent University (Belgium) we have conducted during the past 2 years a project to engage researchers of multiple disciplines to outline the current requirements they have and to drive institutionally supported solutions. We describe the methodology of this project and outline significant tasks and milestones.
Establishing Trust and Transparency in the Context of Contemporary and Digital History: Implementing Digital Curation Strategies for Digital Research Infrastructure at C2DH, Tugce Karatas, Lars Wieneke
Abstract: This poster delves into the intricate interplay between global expectations for research in contemporary history, the evolving landscape of digital curation, the imperative for efficient research data management, the creation of a well-structured and effective plan for digital infrastructure by emphasizing the significance of developing a comprehensive framework for the analysis and interpretation of contemporary history.
Exploring preprint retractions: A case study of arXiv, Ewa Zegler-Poleska
Abstract: However, maintaining scholarly integrity through retractions poses challenges: journal article retractions are well-established, but preprint retractions lack research and standards. This study investigates over 7,000 retracted preprints on the arXiv platform, aiming to understand retraction reasons and establish guidelines to improve the integrity of scientific communication.
Facilitating Core Trust Seal self evaluation providing a schema for better visualization of requisites and documentation, Laura Vilela Rodrigues Rezende, Geisa Müller Campos Ribeiro, Maria das Graças Monteiro Castro, Cassia Oliveira, Lívia Ferreira de Carvalho
Abstract: Dataverse software functionalities; documents and information that need to be publicised as a demand for the CTS self-assessment process. This work was developed by the authors as the result of a Brazilian project to implement a network of institutional research data repositories.
Fostering Trust and Transparency through Research Data Curation: A Case Study of the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) from the South African Social Attitude Survey (SASAS) perspective, Qinisile Pearl Dlamini, Dr Emmanuel Fundisi
Abstract: The HSRC, a South African research institution, committed in conducting impactful social science research received a recommendation to prioritise data management in 2003. By 2008, the organisation mandated the public release of new data sets to support research, policy development and public discussion. Throughout its journey, HSRC has fostered trust and transparency through open sharing of research publications and data.
Improving the integrity of research data: building an institutional data archive, Minna Ventsel
Abstract: Describing the process of setting up an institutional research data archive to ensure the integrity of data long term
Machine actionable data management plans: building a template, workflows and integration, Jari Friman
Abstract: In this poster we show how we have built a local Machine Actionable Data Management Plan(maDMP) template with a Finnish national DMP tool DMPTuuli. Furthermore, we show how we will build the integrations from DMPTuuli to our local IT infrastructure and interlink the DMP information with information retrieved from other local information systems.
Metadata Accelerator: Improving scientific data descriptions with Natural Language Processing methods (NLP) and Instant Feedback, Maria Juliana Rodriguez Cubillos, Tomasz Zieliński, Jason R. Swedlow, T. Ian Simpson, Andrew J. Millar
Abstract: Ensuring the availability and accessibility of data has become necessary in the pursuit of advancing knowledge. We aim to develop a user-friendly and cost-effective tool to enrich metadata, specifically targeting named entities within unstructured textual data using AI. Here, we will present our preliminary results from the original metadata assessment in our target repositories.
Open Science Policy and Practices at a Young German University, Nadin Weiss, Boris Jacob
Abstract: In our lightning talk we want to showcase our current status and share our approaches on how to implement Open Science at a HEI.
Policy templates - A wolf in sheep's clothing? Lea Sophie Singson, Nikolai Svoboda, Marcus Schmidt
Abstract: This poster is submitted by the DSSC (Data Steward Service Center) of FAIRagro, a project surrounding the management of agricultural data. It sheds light on the legal issues that come with using policy templates in the data management world and how we can still make them useful to the specific scientists needs with the support of legal experts as data stewards.
RDA TIGER: Global Support Services for RDA Working Groups, Alex Delipalta, Ryan O'Connor, Ari Asmi, Najla Rettberg
Abstract: RDA TIGER is a three-year European Commission-funded project tasked with providing support services for the Working Groups (WGs) within the Research Data Alliance. The project provides services tailored to the stage of each WG throughout its lifecycle of eighteen months, from inception to completion.
RDM Service for Trust Data Sharing: Bridging the Gaps between Researchers and Institutions, Ui Ikeuchi, Yasuyuki Minamiyama, Kazuhiro Hayashi
Abstract: This study aimed to identify the requirements for Research Data Management (RDM) Service essential for trustworthy data sharing by conducting a comparative analysis of questionnaire surveys carried out by two organizations. One was the survey on data sharing among Japanese researchers conducted by NISTEP, and the other was the survey on RDM at Japanese research institutions conducted by JPCOAR-AXIES.
re3data – Indexing the Global Research Data Repository Landscape Since 2012, Heinz Pampel, Nina Leonie Weisweiler, Dorothea Strecker, Michael Witt, Paul Vierkant, Kirsten Elger, Roland Bertelmann. Matthew Buys, Lea Maria Ferguson, Maxi Kindling, Rachael Kotarski, Vivien Petras
Abstract: In our poster, we will reflect on the ten-year experience of running re3data, the global Registry of Research Data Repositories, and discuss key issues related to its management. For over a decade, re3data has helped researchers, funding agencies, libraries, and data centers to find, identify, and reference suitable research data repositories.
Recommendations for Data Stewardship Skills, Training and Curricula – a report by the EOSC association task force on Data stewardship, curricula and career paths, Hanna Lindroos, Ilire Hasani-Mavriqi, Celia van Gelder
Abstract: The data stewardship, curriculum and career paths EOSC task force is focusing on the core activities of data stewards; to define job roles and curricula to ensure these are recognised and aligned across Europe. One outcome from the project is the report ‘Recommendations for Data Stewardship Skills, Training and Curricula with Implementation Examples from European Countries and Universities’ presented here.
Repository Staff Attitudes about CoreTrustSeal Requirements, Rebecca D. Frank
Abstract: This poster explores the attitudes of repository staff members about the CoreTrustSeal requirements.
Research Data & publications - transparent journal papers, András Holl
Abstract: Even today a lot of data get published in articles - in the text, in tables, figures, appendices. How could such data be made easily accessible and harvestable? How could opaque articles be made data transparent? We review the present practices and the possibilities.
Roles & Titles: Attempting to Delineate Data Stewardship, Curation, Management, and Similar Roles, Jeanne Wilbrandt
Abstract: This poster attempts to outline the roles, actions, and titles of data stewards, curators, managers, officers, trainers, etc. It invites visitors to comment and add their own opinion and expertise. Thus, the field might be able to advance in the direction of semantic consensus on RDM roles and titles.
Satellite Image Use for Citizen-Based Monitoring & Verification: An Examination of Trust & Risk, Rebecca D. Frank, Stephanie Krueger
Abstract: This poster explores how users of satellite image data evaluate the trustworthiness of data and construct their understanding of risk in the context of citizen-based monitoring and verification for peace and security.
Searching for research data – an assessment of data publication practises at Stockholm University, Maria Almbro, Lisa Olsson
Abstract: In Sweden, the aim is to make all research data FAIR and openly available (when possible) by 2026. With 2026 being only two years away, little is still known about the current practices and the state of open data publishing. This poster presents an overview of the data publishing routes and transparent practises used by SU researchers in our study.
Taking the temperature: exploring the lifecycle of research data using the ‘hot’, ‘warm’ or ‘cold’ metaphor, Damon Strange, Megan Gooch
Abstract: This lightening talk will offer a practical insight to the methods being employed at the University of Oxford to support researchers and professionals understand, curate and manage their data, other digital outputs and collections.
The Governance of Digital Immortality & the Digital Afterlife, Khadiza Maryam Laskor
Abstract: Digital immortality ignited visions of a possible Digital Afterlife through virtual online personas created by digital remains of a living person being trialled through 'griefbots', holograms, and avatars. How should a digital life after death be governed and regulated?
The Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration – FAIR data for Helmholtz, Constanze Curdt, Christine Lemster, Sören Lorenz
Abstract: In 2019, the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres launched the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC) with the mission to leverage data visibility and reusability across Helmholtz and beyond. Further, to turn FAIR into reality. Our vision is to create a sustainable, distributed, semantically enriched Helmholtz data space that scientists can use to seamlessly share and re-use data in new ways.
The treasure hunt on data – Institutional challenges, Kristin Meier, Nikolai Svoboda
Abstract: Institutional data managament and data stewardship in the context of national and international agricultural research tackles challenges and fullfills the needs of a huge variaty of scientist's expectations. These expectations can be as diverse as the data themselves.
Towards tailored data curation workflows in a trusted repository: Strategies in a collaborative research centre in neuroscience, Marlene Pacharra, Johannes Frenzel, Nina Olivia, Caroline Winter, Tobias Otto
Abstract: The poster highlights how a collaborative research centre in neuroscience addresses data curation challenges stemming from lacking discipline-specific standards and varying skills: A research data management board and policy adhering to FAIR principles was established for data quality assurance. Practical assistance aids implementation, while transparent workflows guiding data curation ensure effective data sharing, archiving and publication in a Hyrax repository.
Transparency through collaboration with Digital Asset Registers, Ailie O'Hagan, Rachael Tuaim, Kath Stevenson
Abstract: This poster visualises a collaborative Digital Asset Register developed in Microsoft Lists, demonstrating the benefits for balancing transparency against privacy by allowing colleagues to control security settings, and using automated syncing to collate high level collections information in a single primary list. It illustrates how collective management contributes to efficient, transparent workflows, and helps embed a culture of digital preservation.
Transparency through community-led open infrastructure: a pathway to trust, Miranda Barnes, Tobias Steiner
Abstract: Open Access and OpenData hold transparency at their core. Yet the distribution channels of scholarly publishing and archiving struggle with an opacity problem: metadata, handled commercially in proprietary, closed-access systems. Thoth Open Metadata is a platform and service providing fully open metadata. The Thoth Archiving Network extends this system to the application of perpetual access.
Why should I care? On the incentives of transparency in research with human subjects, Christine Renate Krebs, Federico Grasso Toro, Olga Churakova
Abstract: Further, we use the research data lifecycle to demonstrate what Open Science means in general, and what research data management means specifically in every stage for researchers. Additionally, we will highlight at each stage the resulting benefits for researchers.