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List of Metadata Tools
A tool for publishing astronomical data files as online databases suitable for integration into the international Virtual Observatory.
SDAC Tools
A set of four tools for working with SDAC-compliant archives: acut can be used to edit text files in a columnar fashion; trcol removes or transforms columns from a text file; anafile verifies that data files conform to their description; tofits converts SDAC tables to FITS tables.
SDMX Editor
A simple tool for managing and accessing statistical metadata, using the SDMX framework.
SDMX Mapping Assistant
A tool to facilitate the mapping between the structural metadata provided by an SDMX-ML Data Structure Definition and those that reside in a database of a dissemination environment.
SDMX Tool Repository
A list of software tools supporting the SDMX standard.
SeaDataNet Software
A suite of tools designed by SeaDataNet to facilitate the creation, editing, and conversion of ocean and marine data and metadata. Particular tools are available for preparing ISO 19115-conformant XML metadata files for the SeaDataNet directories.
Software for CIF
The International Union of Crystallography's list of programs and libraries available for use with CIF files.
SOS -Sensor Observation Service
This tool uses the Observations and Measurements standard to define a Web service interface which allows querying observations, sensor metadata, as well as representations of observed features.
SPASE Metadata Editor
A web-based editor for generating SPASE descriptions.
The SPASE website's list of tools for working with SPASE metadata and the SPASE framework.