Because good research needs good data

List of Metadata Tools

  • ICAT

    A metadata storage service that implements CSMD Version 2.5 to record information about physical science experiments.

  • ICATLite

    A sister project of ICAT, consisting of a suite of CSMD-based software tools designed to support derived data management in the scientific research process.

  • Integrated Publishing Toolkit

    A software platform using Darwin Core and EML to facilitate the efficient publishing of biodiversity data on the Internet, using the GBIF network.

  • ISA Software Suite

    The open source ISA metadata tracking tools facilitate ISA-TAB-compliant collection, curation, local management and reuse of datasets in an increasingly diverse set of life science domains.

  • Istat SDMX Framework Project

    A suite of tools for managing data and metadata in SDMX.

  • IUCr checkCIF

    A tool used to check the integrity and cosistency of crystal structure encodings in CIF format.

  • Linked Data Cubes Explorer

    The Linked Data Cubes Explorer allows for the analysis of statistical datasets using the RDF Cube Vocabulary.

  • M3Cat

    A tool for the creation and cataloguing of geospatial metadata, including CSDGM and ISO 19115.

  • Metacat

    Metacat is a repository for data and metadata that helps scientists find, understand, and effectively use the data sets they manage or that have been created by others.


    A software generator to rapidly build web databases and a suite of web databases for genotype, phenotype, QTL and analysis pipelines.
