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Date added 4 November 2009
Last edited 4 November 2009
Full Title
Contextual Query Language
The Contextual Query Language (CQL) is a formal language to represent queries to information retrieval systems. CQL aims to remain simple and easy to read and write for humans while retaining the power and expressiveness to provide for more complex concepts
Standards Developing Organisation
- Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
Lifecycle Action
- Access, Use and Reuse
Standard Framework
- Digital Repository Standards
Standard Type
- Query Languages
Current Version
Further Information
- Wikipedia entry for CQL [external]
Alternative Current Versions
Previous Version
- CQL version 1.2 [external]
- Superseded
Referenced Standards
- SRU: SearchRetrieval via URL
- Z39.50
- ISO 23950: Information Retrieval (Z39.50): Application Service Definition and Protocol Specification