Because good research needs good data

Checklist for a Data Management Plan

The DCC synthesises requirements for Data Management Plans and best practice within the wider community. This allows us to provide a Checklist that presents the main questions or themes that researchers may want to cover when writing a DMP.

In 2013 the DCC reviewed and shortened its Checklist. The current version is available to download below.

Checklist for a Data Management Plan (v.4.0, 2013)

Also see the DMP Checklist flyer, a handy foldout version of the Checklist. Hard copies are available if you would like some for events.

** This publication is available in print and can be ordered from our online store **

Earlier versions

The DCC first created a Content Checklist for a Data Management Plan in 2009. This was put out for consultation and over the years it developed into a comprehensive list of questions that researchers may wish to cover.

The Checklist was used to inform the developement of DMPonline and subsequent versions were released to reflect changes in funder requirements or alterations needed in the tool.

Earlier versions are provided below for posterity.

Checklist for a Data Management Plan (v3.0, 17 March 2011)

Content Checklist for a Data Management Plan - post consultation (v.2.0, 2009)

Data Management Plan Content Checklist - draft for consultation (17 June 2009)