Because good research needs good data


IDCC22 is supplemented by a half-day virtual workshop 'THE VALUE OF CATASTROPHIC DATA LOSS' by Jisc. The event must be booked separately from the conference. You do not have to attend the conference in order to register for the workshop.

The workshop will be held online on the same platform Whova as the main conference. 

Workshop Programme



This half-day workshop is intended to be a forum where those who have lost data can exchange information with those who would very much like to avoid having their own data loss disaster. The workshop will be run under Chatham House Rules allowing participants to share information freely.

Location: Conference Platfrom Whova (The Log In details with the link are shared once the registration is complete)

Organiser: Paul Stokes, Product Manager – Jisc

Time: 16 June 2022, 13.00 - 18:00 (British Summer Time)

Delegate fee: free of charge

Register on Eventbrite: The Value of Catastrophic Data Loss Webinar

Jisc and the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) have undertaken an anonymous surveying exercise to unearth the true cost of catastrophic data loss—not only in terms of the value of the data, but also the cost of the knock-on effects that may only become apparent some considerable time after the event. This information can be used to help organisations make a stronger case for robust and effective digital preservation practice and to inform those trying to take steps to avoid their own data loss disaster. This workshop, intended to bring together those who have lost data with those who wish to avoid losses, explores the usefulness of such data loss events to the community.

Living agenda and delegate list

Time (UTC)





Each attendee introduces themselves and the background to their interest in this topic


Video overview

Short video to introduce the topic

12:15 onwards

Back to Basics

What are Cost and Value?


How does data loss affect cost and value?


How might gains and losses be measured?

Stakeholders 1

Identify stakeholders: Potential loss information providers.



15:00 onwards

The Survey 1

Introduction to the existing survey


Alternative information gathering mechanisms

The Survey 2

Updates and modifications to the survey

Stakeholders 2

Identify stakeholders: Potential advocacy targets and strategies to convince them.

Open discussion


Closing remarks

Summary and “what next?”