Because good research needs good data

Draft Programme

IDCC Conference Banner with background of a scenic view of Edinburgh where the IDCC conference will be held between 19-21 February 2024


Over 80 contributions from all over the world make up our draft programme, that this year has a main theme of Trust Through Transparency. The programme will deliver a variety of talks categorised under several pathways including Managing DMPs and Data Stewards, Curation Processes, Sharing and Discarding and Trust and Transparency: Standards and Sustainability, along with many more.  

The draft programme has now been compiled following a review period in which papers, lightning talks, posters and workshop submissions were evaluated by our programme committee. 

IDCC Draft Programme


In-person Programme

Virtual Programme

Accepted Submissions

In-person Programme

Monday 19 February - Workshop Day

Monday 19th February - Workshop Day


08:30 – 09:00  




GB Ong 

Wolfson B 

09:00 – 12:00  

Workshop 1 - Guidelines on transparent exposure of repository information: informing decisions of trustworthiness. 

Maaike L Verburg 

Workshop 2 - Defining the criteria for
assessing PID Policies and Services 

Rene van Horik 

Workshop 3, Part 1- Elevating data management planning: Interoperability of RDM services through machine-actionability 

Diana Sisu 

Wolfson B, GB Ong, Tausend 

12:00 – 13:00  


Reception + Wadsworth 

13:00 – 16:00  

Workshop 4 - FAIR-by-Design: introducing Skills4EOSC and FAIR-IMPACT resources and support 

Sonja Filiposka 

Workshop 5- PIDS in practice: working
with PIDS in an institutional environment

Rory Macneil 

Workshop 3, Part 2 - Elevating data management planning: Interoperability of RDM services through machine-actionability 

Diana Sisu 

Wolfson B, GB Ong, Tausend 


Drinks Reception 


Tuesday 20 February 2024: Main Conference Day 1

Tuesday, 20 February 2024: Main conference, Day 1    Room 
08:00 – 09:00    Registration and coffee    Reception 
09:00 – 09:30    Welcome  by Kevin Ashley, Director of the DCC Wolfson Hall (A&B) 
09:30 – 10:15    Keynote speaker Wolfson Hall (A&B) 
10:15 – 10:45    Coffee break   Reception + Wadsworth 
10:45 – 12:15 Paper Parallel Session 1  Wolfson Hall A, GB Ong, Tausend 
A: Managing: DMPs and Data Stewards  B: Building trust and
transparency into research
and curation techniques, costs,
and workflows 
C: Curation Processes, I 
Wolfson Hall A  GB Ong  Tausend 
10:45 – 11:15

A1 - DMPs as Management
Tool for Intellectual Assets by
SMART approach

B1 -  Factors influencing
perceptions of trust in data
C1 - Have Your Cake and Eat It
Too: A Case Study in Updated
Modular Workflows for a
Longitudinal Research Project
Federico Grasso Toro Katharina Flicker Cassia Rochelle Smith
11:15 - 11:45 A2 - FAIR Data Implementation
at Large-Scale Data Facilities
B2 - Curation is Communal:
Transparency, Trust, and
(In)visible Labor
C2 - Transparent Disclosure,
Curation & Preservation of
Dynamic Digital Resources
Angela P. Murillo Mikala Narlock  Deirdre Lungley
11:45 – 12:15  A3 - KAER: A
Knowledge-Augmented Entity
Resolution Framework for
Enhanced Transparency
B3 - A model for calculating
institutional costs for data
management and sharing
C3 - Reproducible and
Attributable Materials Science
Curation Practices: A Case Study
Lan Li  Cynthia Hudson Vitale Micah Altman
12:15 – 13:15    Minute madness – rapid fire poster presentations Wolfson Hall
13:15 – 14:15 Lunch  and poster exhibition Playfair Hall & Reception Room 
14:15 – 15:45    Paper Parallel Session 2  Wolfson Hall A, GB Ong, Tausend 
D: Curation Processes, II  E: Sharing and Discarding  F: Trust and Transparency:
Standards and Sustainability, I 
Wolfson Hall A  GB Ong  Tausend 
14:15 - 14:45 D1 - Preserving Secondary
Knowledge - Using Language
Models for Software
E1 - Reproducible preservation
of databases through
executable specifications
F1 - Closing Gaps: A Model of
Cumulative Curation and
Preservation Levels for
Trustworthy Digital Repositories
Klaus Rechert   Ivar Rummelhoff Jonas Recker
14:45 - 15:15 D2 - Collaborative Data
Cleaning Framework, a Pilot
Case Study for Machine
Learning Development
E2 - An Exploration of the
Functionality and Usability of
Open Research Platforms to
Support Open Science
F2 - A new tool to enhance
transparency, discoverability,
and trust in open infrastructure
Nikolaus Nova Parulian Whitney Thompson Lauren B. Collister
15:15 - 15:45 D3 - Artificial Intelligence
Assisted Curation of
Population Groups in
Biomedical Literature 
E3 - Starting with the Digital
Doesn’t Make it Easier:
Developing Transparent Born
Digital Acquisition Policies for
F3 - Event Notifications and
Event Logs: Transparent
Sharing of Artifact Life Cycle
Latrice Landry  Amanda Boczar Patrick Hochstenbach
15:45 - 16:15 Coffee break  Reception + Wadsworth 
16:15 - 17:30 Lightning Talk Session 1 Wolfson Hall A, GB Ong, Tausend 
    H: Balancing, building,
acquiring trust
I: Work on automating curation
J: Transparency   
Wolfson Hall A  GB Ong  Tausend 
H1 - The data curation reading
club as competence and trust
I1 - The UK Research Identifier
National Coordinating
J1 - Understanding mistrust
and distrust in public data
Mari Elisa Kuusniemi Neil Jefferies Laura Rothfritz
H2 - Transparency and trust in
people: The Influence of
Cognitive Thinking on Trust
I2 - Curation of dataset
publication is support, not just
about control.
J2 - FAIROS Program of the U.S.
National Science Foundation
Irina Schmid Dieuwertje Bloemen Plato Smith
H3 - In sharing we trust. Taking
advantage of a diverse
consortium to build a
transparent data service in
I3 - Development of a
User-friendly Application to
Support Long-term Digital
Preservation Using
J3 - Researchers and research
data: challenges in improving
and incentivising sharing and
Clara Llebot  Satoru Nakamura Minna Ventsel
H4 - Monitoring for data access
statements and open data at
the University of St Andrews
I4 - Data Management
Perspectives from a Leading
European Plant Research
J4 - Shining a light on data
publication practices at
Stockholm University
Federica Fina Elena Rey Mazón Lisa Olsson
H5 - Using Metadata to
Promote Transparency in
Health Research: Creating the
COVID Measures Archive at
I5 - Creating the Slovak Music
Register for Coordinating
Private and Public Data
J5 - Digital Legacy – Who
Would you Trust?
Megan Chenoweth Daniel Antal Duncan Reid
19:00 – 22:00    Conference dinner   Playfair Library 

Wednesday 21 February 2024: Main Conference Day 2

Wednesday, 21 February 2024, Main conference,      Day 2    Room 
08:30 – 09:00    Registration & coffee Reception & Wadsworth 
9:00 – 10:30 Paper Parallel Session 3  Wolfson Hall A, GB Ong, Tausend 
K: Curation Processes, III  L: Balancing transparency against privacy, especially in health and sharing of genomic data  M: Trust and Transparency: Standards and Sustainability, II 
Wolfson Hall A  GB Ong  Tausend 
09:00 - 09:30 K1 - Bridging the Gap Between Process and Procedural Provenance for Statistical Data L1 - Trusted Research Environments: Analysis of Characteristics and Data Availability M1 - Metrics to Increase Data Usage Understanding and Transparency
George C. Alter  Martin Weise Maria Esteva
09:30 - 10:00 K2 - Resolving Conflicts in Data Through Curation-informed Weight Distribution Networks L2 - The Transparency of an Honest Data Broker in Providing Electronic Health Record Data Sufficient for Reuse M2 - Adapting FAIR evaluation to photon and neutron facilities
Nevan Simone Devan Ray Donaldson Brian Matthews
10:00 - 10:30 K3 - Reconciling Conflicting Data Curation Actions: Transparency Through Argumentation
Bertram Ludaescher 
10:30 – 11:00    Coffee break   Reception + Wadsworth 
11:00 – 12:30  Lightning Talk Session 2 Wolfson Hall A, GB Ong, Tausend 
    N: Building trust and transparency into research and curation techniques, costs, and workflows, I O: Building trust and transparency into research and curation techniques, costs, and workflows, II P: Trust and transparency between universal standards and expectations and that of context and discipline specific adaptations   
Wolfson Hall A  GB Ong  Tausend 
N1 - ESRC research data policy in changing landscapes O1 - Source of Truth: Supporting Transparency and Accountability with the UCSF Industry Documents Library P1 - Show Me the Data: Demonstrating Reproducibility in Qualitative Research though Qualibank
Lucille Tetley-Brown Kate Tasker Maureen Anne Haaker
N2 - Capturing the Cloud: Towards SharePoint Transfer at UK Parliament O2 - From curators to trainers; supporting Springer Nature’s research data policy through scalable integrity checks P2 - Curation of Trustworthy Robotics Human Datasets
Nicole Hartland Graham Smith Maria Esteva
N3 - To keep, or not to keep? - Creating a guide for responsible data preservation O3 - Open-Source Programs Offices (OSPOs): A Pathway for Fostering Trust and Transparency through Software P3 - anaCARE in the UK? Towards a social-justice oriented research data management plan
Mari Elisa Kuusniemi Golam Sayeed Choudhury Holly Ranger
N4 - Creating, retaining and sharing embedded digital image metadata O4 - TROV - A Model and Vocabulary for Describing Transparent Research Objects P4 - Scaling output tracking through persistent connections
Beth Knazook Timothy M McPhillips Xiaoli Chen
N5 - Connecting open data to published articles in the Carolina Digital Repository 05 - A Content Development Plan for Datasets at the British Library P5 -Future Safe Havens in a Data Tempest
Julie Renee Rudder Jez Cope Martin Donnelly
N6 - Digital Preservation DPS—core requirements O6 - Minimal Computing Infrastructure for long-term preservation: The case of Imagining Futures Repository P6 - Retrieving data. Wait a few seconds and try to cut or copy again.
Karen Colbron Jairo Antonio Melo Florez Federica Fina
12:30 – 13:30  Lunch   Playfair Hall, Reception Room 
13:30 - 14:30 Poster exhibition Playfair Hall, Reception Room 
14:30 - 14:45 Best paper and best poster awards   Wolfson Hall (A&B) 
14:45 - 15:30 Keynote speaker  Wolfson Hall (A&B) 
15:30 - 15:50 Closing remarks by Cliff Lynch Wolfson Hall (A&B) 
15:50 - 16:10 Wrap up by Kevin Ashley Wolfson Hall (A&B) 

Virtual Programme

Monday 19 February 2024 Virtual Workshop


Tuesday 20 February 2024: Main Conference Day 1

Tuesday, 20 February 2024: Main conference Day 1    Virtual
08:30 – 09:00    Online registration & networking Whova
09:00 – 09:30    Welcome  by Kevin Ashley, Director of the DCC Livestream 
09:30 – 10:15    Keynote speaker Livestream 
10:15 - 10:30 Speed Networking Session 1 Whova
10:30 – 10:45    Coffee break   Offline
10:45 – 12:15 Paper Parallel Session 1  Livestream 
A: Managing: DMPs and Data Stewards  B: Building trust and transparency into research and curation techniques, costs, and workflows  C: Curation Processes, I 
Wolfson Hall A  GB Ong  Tausend 
10:45 – 11:15 A1 - DMPs as Management Tool for Intellectual Assets by SMART approach B1 -  Factors influencing perceptions of trust in data infrastructures C1 - Have Your Cake and Eat It Too: A Case Study in Updated Modular Workflows for a Longitudinal Research Project
Federico Grasso Toro Katharina Flicker Cassia Rochelle Smith
11:15 - 11:45 A2 - FAIR Data Implementation at Large-Scale Data Facilities B2 - Curation is Communal: Transparency, Trust, and (In)visible Labor C2 - Transparent Disclosure, Curation & Preservation of Dynamic Digital Resources
Angela P. Murillo Mikala Narlock  Deirdre Lungley
11:45 – 12:15  A3 - KAER: A Knowledge-Augmented Entity Resolution Framework for Enhanced Transparency B3 - A model for calculating institutional costs for data management and sharing C3 - Reproducible and Attributable Materials Science Curation Practices: A Case Study
Lan Li  Cynthia Hudson Vitale Micah Altman
12:15 - 12:30 Break
12:30 – 13:15    Minute madness – rapid fire poster presentations Livestream 
13:15 – 14:15 Lunch  break Offline
14:15 – 15:45    Paper Parallel Session 2  Livestream 
D: Curation Processes, II  E: Sharing and Discarding  F: Trust and Transparency: Standards and Sustainability, I 
Wolfson Hall A  GB Ong  Tausend 
14:15 - 14:45 D1 - Preserving Secondary Knowledge - Using Language Models for Software Preservation  E1 - Reproducible preservation of databases through executable specifications F1 - Closing Gaps: A Model of Cumulative Curation and Preservation Levels for Trustworthy Digital Repositories
Klaus Rechert   Ivar Rummelhoff Jonas Recker
14:45 - 15:15 D2 - Collaborative Data Cleaning Framework, a Pilot Case Study for Machine Learning Development E2 - An Exploration of the Functionality and Usability of Open Research Platforms to Support Open Science F2 - A new tool to enhance transparency, discoverability, and trust in open infrastructure
Nikolaus Nova Parulian Whitney Thompson Lauren B. Collister
15:15 - 15:45 D3 - Artificial Intelligence Assisted Curation of Population Groups in Biomedical Literature  E3 - Starting with the Digital Doesn’t Make it Easier: Developing Transparent Born Digital Acquisition Policies for Archives F3 - Event Notifications and Event Logs: Transparent Sharing of Artifact Life Cycle Data
Latrice Landry  Amanda Boczar Patrick Hochstenbach
15:45 - 16:00 Speed Networking Session 2 Whova
16:00 - 16:15 Coffee break  Offline
16:15 - 17:30 Lightning Talk Session 1 Livestream 
    H: Balancing, building, acquiring trust I: Work on automating curation processes J: Transparency   
Wolfson Hall A  GB Ong  Tausend 
H1 - The data curation reading club as competence and trust builder I1 - The UK Research Identifier National Coordinating Committee J1 - Understanding mistrust and distrust in public data infrastructures
Mari Elisa Kuusniemi Neil Jefferies Laura Rothfritz
H2 - Transparency and trust in people: The Influence of Cognitive Thinking on Trust I2 - Curation of dataset publication is support, not just about control. J2 - FAIROS Program of the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF)
Irina Schmid Dieuwertje Bloemen Plato Smith
H3 - In sharing we trust. Taking advantage of a diverse consortium to build a transparent data service in Catalonia I3 - Development of a User-friendly Application to Support Long-term Digital Preservation Using Archivematica J3 - Researchers and research data: challenges in improving and incentivising sharing and archiving
Clara Llebot  Satoru Nakamura Minna Ventsel
H4 - Monitoring for data access statements and open data at the University of St Andrews I4 - Data Management Perspectives from a Leading European Plant Research Institute J4 - Shining a light on data publication practices at Stockholm University
Federica Fina Elena Rey Mazón Lisa Olsson
H5 - Using Metadata to Promote Transparency in Health Research: Creating the COVID Measures Archive at ICPSR I5 - Creating the Slovak Music Register for Coordinating Private and Public Data Infrastructure J5 - Digital Legacy – Who Would you Trust?
Megan Chenoweth Daniel Antal Duncan Reid

Wednesday 21 February 2024: Main Conference Day 2

Wednesday, 21 February 2024, Main conference Day 2    Virtual 
08:30 – 09:00    Virtual coffee morning Whova
9:00 – 10:30 Paper Parallel Session 3  Livestream 
K: Curation Processes, III  L: Balancing transparency against privacy, especially in health and sharing of genomic data  M: Trust and Transparency: Standards and Sustainability, II 
Wolfson Hall A  GB Ong  Tausend 
09:00 - 09:30 K1 - Bridging the Gap Between Process and Procedural Provenance for Statistical Data L1 - Trusted Research Environments: Analysis of Characteristics and Data Availability M1 - Metrics to Increase Data Usage Understanding and Transparency
George C. Alter  Martin Weise Maria Esteva
09:30 - 10:00 K2 - Resolving Conflicts in Data Through Curation-informed Weight Distribution Networks L2 - The Transparency of an Honest Data Broker in Providing Electronic Health Record Data Sufficient for Reuse M2 - Adapting FAIR evaluation to photon and neutron facilities
Nevan Simone Devan Ray Donaldson Brian Matthews
10:00 - 10:30 K3 - Reconciling Conflicting Data Curation Actions: Transparency Through Argumentation
Bertram Ludaescher 
10:30 – 11:00    Coffee break   Offline
11:00 – 12:30  Lightning Talk Session 2 Livestreams 
    N: Building trust and transparency into research and curation techniques, costs, and workflows, I O: Building trust and transparency into research and curation techniques, costs, and workflows, II P: Trust and transparency between universal standards and expectations and that of context and discipline specific adaptations   
N1 - ESRC research data policy in changing landscapes O1 - Source of Truth: Supporting Transparency and Accountability with the UCSF Industry Documents Library P1 - Show Me the Data: Demonstrating Reproducibility in Qualitative Research though Qualibank
Lucille Tetley-Brown Kate Tasker Maureen Anne Haaker
N2 - Capturing the Cloud: Towards SharePoint Transfer at UK Parliament O2 - From curators to trainers; supporting Springer Nature’s research data policy through scalable integrity checks P2 - Curation of Trustworthy Robotics Human Datasets
Nicole Hartland Graham Smith Maria Esteva
N3 - To keep, or not to keep? - Creating a guide for responsible data preservation O3 - Open-Source Programs Offices (OSPOs): A Pathway for Fostering Trust and Transparency through Software P3 - anaCARE in the UK? Towards a social-justice oriented research data management plan
Mari Elisa Kuusniemi Golam Sayeed Choudhury Holly Ranger
N4 - Creating, retaining and sharing embedded digital image metadata O4 - TROV - A Model and Vocabulary for Describing Transparent Research Objects P4 - Scaling output tracking through persistent connections
Beth Knazook Timothy M McPhillips Xiaoli Chen
N5 - Connecting open data to published articles in the Carolina Digital Repository 05 - A Content Development Plan for Datasets at the British Library P5 -Future Safe Havens in a Data Tempest
Julie Renee Rudder Jez Cope Martin Donnelly
N6 - Digital Preservation DPS—core requirements O6 - Minimal Computing Infrastructure for long-term preservation: The case of Imagining Futures Repository P6 -The research data management journey of a postgraduate student at the University of St Andrews  
Karen Colbron Jairo Antonio Melo Florez Federica Fina
12:30 – 13:30  Lunch   Offline
13:30 - 14:30 Poster session Offline
14:30 - 14:45 Best paper and best poster awards   Livestream 
14:45 - 15:30 Keynote speaker  Livestream 
15:30 - 15:50 Closing remarks by Cliff Lynch Livestream 
15:50 - 16:10 Wrap up by Kevin Ashley Livestream 

Accepted Submissions


A model for calculating institutional costs for data management and sharingCynthia Hudson Vitale, Shawna Taylor, Jacob Carlson, Lizhao Ge, Joel Herndon, Alicia Hofelich Mohr, Lisa Johnston, Wendy Kozlowski, Jennifer Moore, Jon Petters

A new tool to enhance transparency, discoverability, and trust in open infrastructureLauren B. Collister, Emmy Tsang  

Adapting FAIR evaluation to photon and neutron facilitiesSimon Lambert, Abigail McBirnie. Brian Matthews

An Exploration of the Functionality and Usability of Open Research Platforms to Support Open ScienceWhitney Thompson, Angela P. Murillo

Artificial Intelligence Assisted Curation of Population Groups in Biomedical LiteratureLatrice Landry, Mary Lucas, Anietie Andy, Ebelechukwu Nwafor

Bridging the Gap Between Process and Procedural Provenance for Statistical DataGeorge C. Alter, Jack Gager, Jeremy Iverson, Bertram Ludäscher, Timothy McPhillips, Thomas Thelen Dan Smith

Closing Gaps: A Model of Cumulative Curation and Preservation Levels for Trustworthy Digital RepositoriesJonas Recker, Mari Kleemola, Hervé L'Hours

Collaborative Data Cleaning Framework, a Pilot Case Study for Machine Learning Development, Nikolaus Nova Parulian, Bertram Ludäscher

Curation is Communal: Transparency, Trust, and (In)visible LaborHalle Burns, Sandi Caldrone, Mikala Narlock

DMPs as Management Tool for Intellectual Assets by SMART approachFederico Grasso Toro     

Event Notifications and Event Logs: Transparent Sharing of Artifact Life Cycle DataPatrick Hochstenbach, Ruben Verborgh, Herbert Van de Sompel

Factors influencing perceptions of trust in data infrastructuresKatharina Flicker, Bettina Kern, Andreas Rauber

FAIR Data Implementation at Large-Scale Data FacilitiesAngela P. Murillo, Don Brower, Jose Cordova, Sonja Crncevic

Have Your Cake and Eat It Too: A Case Study in Updated Modular Workflows for a Longitudinal Research ProjectCassia Rochelle Smith

KAER: A Knowledge-Augmented Entity Resolution Framework for Enhanced TransparencyLan Li, Liri Fang, Yiren Liu, Vetle I. Torvik, Bertram Ludäscher

Metrics to Increase Data Usage Understanding and TransparencyJames Carson, Maria Esteva, Joshua Freeze, Craig Jansen

Preserving Secondary Knowledge - Using Language Models for Software PreservationKlaus Rechert, Rafael Gieschke

Reconciling Conflicting Data Curation Actions: Transparency Through ArgumentationBertram Ludaescher, Shawn Bowers, Yilin Xia

Reproducible and Attributable Materials Science Curation Practices: A Case Study, Ye Li, Sara Wilson, Micah Altman  

Reproducible preservation of databases through executable specifications, Thor Kristoffersen, Bjarte M. Østvold, Ivar Rummelhoff

Resolving Conflicts in Data Through Curation-informed Weight Distribution NetworksMaria Esteva, Nevan Simone

Starting with the Digital Doesn’t Make it Easier: Developing Transparent Born Digital Acquisition Policies for ArchivesAmanda Boczar

The Transparency of an Honest Data Broker in Providing Electronic Health Record Data Sufficient for ReuseDevan Ray Donaldson, Grace Gabriella Riordan, Jamie Lian, Titus Schleyer

Transparent Disclosure, Curation & Preservation of Dynamic Digital ResourcesDeirdre Lungley, Darren Bell, Hervé L’Hours

Trusted Research Environments: Analysis of Characteristics and Data AvailabilityMartin Weise, Andreas Rauber

Lightning Talks

A Content Development Plan for Datasets at the British LibraryJez Cope

anaCARE in the UK? Towards a social-justice oriented research data management planHolly Ranger

Capturing the Cloud: Towards SharePoint Transfer at UK ParliamentNicole Hartland, Emily Chen, Rosemary Reynolds

Connecting open data to published articles in the Carolina Digital RepositoryJulie Renee Rudder, Rebekah Kati

Creating the Slovak Music Register for Coordinating Private and Public Data InfrastructureDaniel Antal

Creating, retaining and sharing embedded digital image metadataBeth Knazook, Maeve O'Brien, Kathryn Cassidy

Curation of dataset publication is support, not just about controlDieuwertje Bloemen, Özgür Karadeniz, Marleen Marynissen

Curation of Trustworthy Robotics Human Datasets, Maria Esteva, Yao-Cheng Chan, Ryan Gupta, Stephane Hatgis-Kessell, Haresh Karnan, Sadanand Modak Modak, Emily Norman, Arthur K. Zhang

Data Management Perspectives from a Leading European Plant Research InstituteElena Rey Mazón, Daniel Arend, Danuta Schüler, Matthias Lange

Development of a User-friendly Application to Support Long-term Digital Preservation Using Archivematica, Satoru Nakamura, Boyoung Kim, Yasuyuki Minamiyama

Digital Legacy – Who Would you Trust? Duncan Reid, Maria Wolters, Daniel Woods

Digital Preservation DPS—core requirementsPaul Stokes, Karen Colbron

ESRC research data policy in changing landscapesPaul Allanson, Angela Daly, Awais Elahi, Alistair Geddes, Maeve Malone, Niamh Daeid, Lucille Tetley-Brown

FAIROS Program of the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF)Martin Halbert, Plato Smith

From curators to trainers; supporting Springer Nature’s research data policy through scalable integrity checksHannah Tippet Simpson, Graham Smith

Future Safe Havens in a Data TempestMartin Donnelly

In sharing we trust. Taking advantage of a diverse consortium to build a transparent data service in CataloniaClara Llebot, Mireia Alcalá, Lluís M. Anglada i de Ferrer

Monitoring for data access statements and open data at the University of St AndrewsFederica Fina, Haley Eckel, Panagiota Spanou, Jackie Proven

Open-Source Programs Offices (OSPOs): A Pathway for Fostering Trust and Transparency through SoftwareGolam Sayeed Choudhury

Researchers and research data: challenges in improving and incentivising sharing and archivingMinna Ventsel

Scaling output tracking through persistent connectionsXiaoli Chen

Shining a light on data publication practices at Stockholm University, Lisa Olsson, Maria Almbro

Show Me the Data: Demonstrating Reproducibility in Qualitative Research though QualibankMaureen Anne Haaker

Source of Truth: Supporting Transparency and Accountability with the UCSF Industry Documents LibraryKate Tasker

The data curation reading club as competence and trust builder, Mari Elisa Kuusniemi, Marja Moisio

The research data management journey of a postgraduate student at the University of St AndrewsDr Federica Fina, Haley Eckel, Panagiota Spanou, Jackie Proven

The UK Research Identifier National Coordinating CommitteeNeil Jefferies, Jez Cope, Chris Brown Liz Bal

To keep, or not to keep? - Creating a guide for responsible data preservationMatilda Mela, Niina Nurmi, Mikko Mäkelä, Timo Lahtinen, Mari Elisa Kuusniemi

Transparency and trust in people: The Influence of Cognitive Thinking on TrustIrina Schmid

TROV - A Model and Vocabulary for Describing Transparent Research ObjectsTimothy M McPhillips, Meng Li, Craig Willis, Lars Vilhuber, Kacper Kowalik, Nikolaus Parulian, Thu-Mai Lewis, Bertram Ludaescher

Understanding mistrust and distrust in public data infrastructuresLaura Rothfritz

Using Metadata to Promote Transparency in Health Research: Creating the COVID Measures Archive at ICPSRMegan Chenoweth, John Kubale


Big Data Curation Challenges in Administrative Data Investigation, Maira Lima Souza

Building the Data Stewardship Profession at UCLMartin Donnelly, Mahmoud Abdelrazak

Building Trust and Transparency into Finding Aid AuditingCatherine Jacob             

Challenges in Research Documentation: Enhancing Transparency and ReproducibilityPäivi Rauste, Siiri Fuchs

Content Profiling Made EasyArtur Kulmukhametov, Andreas Rauber

Creating a FAIR Self-Assessment Checklist for Data Repositories, Lauren Phegley, Lynda Kellam

Curation interfaces for supporting update provenance (a work-in-progress)Vashti Galpin, James Cheney

Data privacy, transparency and trust in health-related researchOlga Churakova, Christine Krebs

Desirable Characteristics and Trust in Repositories: a cross-institutional comparisonSarah E. Reiff Conell, Sarah J. Wright

Digital Preservation DPS base requirementsPaul Stokes, Karen Colbron

DMP Process at the University of HelsinkiSoile Manninen, Tuija Korhonen

Embedding Data Ethics in the Institute for Geospatial Understanding Through an Integrative Discovery Environment (I-GUIDE), Peter T. Darch, Ivan Kong, Kyra Abrams

Engaging researchers to document and share research activities at Ghent UniversityLaura Standaert, Open Science team

Establishing Trust and Transparency in the Context of Contemporary and Digital History: Implementing Digital Curation Strategies for Digital Research Infrastructure at C2DHTugce Karatas, Lars Wieneke

Exploring preprint retractions: A case study of arXivEwa Zegler-Poleska

Facilitating Core Trust Seal self evaluation providing a schema for better visualization of requisites and documentationLaura Vilela Rodrigues Rezende, Geisa Müller Campos Ribeiro, Maria das Graças Monteiro Castro, Cassia Oliveira, Lívia Ferreira de Carvalho

Fostering Trust and Transparency through Research Data Curation: A Case Study of the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) from the South African Social Attitude Survey (SASAS) perspectiveQinisile Pearl Dlamini, Dr Emmanuel Fundisi

Improving the integrity of research data: building an institutional data archiveMinna Ventsel

Machine actionable data management plans: building a template, workflows and integrationJari Friman

Metadata Accelerator: Improving scientific data descriptions with Natural Language Processing methods (NLP) and Instant FeedbackMaria Juliana Rodriguez Cubillos, Tomasz Zieliński, Jason R. Swedlow, T. Ian Simpson, Andrew J. Millar

Open Science Policy and Practices at a Young German UniversityNadin Weiss, Boris Jacob

Policy templates - A wolf in sheep's clothing? Lea Sophie Singson, Nikolai Svoboda, Marcus Schmidt

RDA TIGER: Global Support Services for RDA Working GroupsAlex Delipalta, Ryan O'Connor, Ari Asmi, Najla Rettberg

RDM Service for Trust Data Sharing: Bridging the Gaps between Researchers and InstitutionsUi Ikeuchi, Yasuyuki Minamiyama, Kazuhiro Hayashi

re3data – Indexing the Global Research Data Repository Landscape Since 2012Heinz Pampel, Nina Leonie Weisweiler, Dorothea Strecker, Michael Witt, Paul Vierkant, Kirsten Elger, Roland Bertelmann. Matthew Buys, Lea Maria Ferguson, Maxi Kindling, Rachael Kotarski, Vivien Petras

Recommendations for Data Stewardship Skills, Training and Curricula – a report by the EOSC association task force on Data stewardship, curricula and career pathsHanna Lindroos, Ilire Hasani-Mavriqi, Celia van Gelder

Repository Staff Attitudes about CoreTrustSeal RequirementsRebecca D. Frank

Research Data & publications - transparent journal papersAndrás Holl

Roles & Titles: Attempting to Delineate Data Stewardship, Curation, Management, and Similar Roles, Jeanne Wilbrandt

Satellite Image Use for Citizen-Based Monitoring & Verification: An Examination of Trust & RiskRebecca D. Frank, Stephanie Krueger

Searching for research data – an assessment of data publication practises at Stockholm UniversityMaria Almbro, Lisa Olsson

Taking the temperature: exploring the lifecycle of research data using the ‘hot’, ‘warm’ or ‘cold’ metaphorDamon Strange, Megan Gooch

The Governance of Digital Immortality & the Digital AfterlifeKhadiza Maryam Laskor

The Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration – FAIR data for HelmholtzConstanze Curdt, Christine Lemster, Sören Lorenz

The treasure hunt on data – Institutional challengesKristin Meier, Nikolai Svoboda

Towards tailored data curation workflows in a trusted repository: Strategies in a collaborative research centre in neuroscienceMarlene Pacharra, Johannes Frenzel, Nina Olivia, Caroline Winter, Tobias Otto

Transparency through collaboration with Digital Asset RegistersAilie O'Hagan, Rachael Tuaim, Kath Stevenson

Transparency through community-led open infrastructure: a pathway to trustMiranda Barnes, Tobias Steiner

Why should I care? On the incentives of transparency in research with human subjectsChristine Renate Krebs, Federico Grasso Toro, Olga Churakova