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Evaluation of Procedures and Processes of Certification Mechanisms Provided

TitleEvaluation of Procedures and Processes of Certification Mechanisms Provided
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2020
Authorsvon Stein I, Huigen F, L'Hours H, Rouchon O, de Vries J, Herterich P
Report Number1.0

In this milestone, the issue of digital repository trustworthiness is addressed. A great variety of national and international standards, as well as guidelines for what constitutes a Trustworthy Digital Repository, exists. To formalize the interpretation and evaluation of FAIR principles and on the question how repositories can demonstrate their FAIRness, an assessment process has to be designed. In order to do so, this milestone evaluates existing certification mechanisms and procedures. Our recommendation is to consider the FAIR implications for CoreTrustSeal requirements by FAIR-aligning the Extended Requirements for the core certification of repositories.
